Part 5

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Ali simply stood staring at Riya.
ALI:Don't worry Riya.I won't touch you.

Riya was relieved.
Naina,Preeti and Swati left her simply.
Sameer:You simply accused Ali of misbehaving with you just to trap Golden flies.But you never thought how you will feel if it becomes real.We wanted to make you understand how a girl feels in real if a boy tries to misbehave with her.That's why atleast for a moment we tried to scared you.Guess we have succeeded in making you understand that.We did not have any bad intention.Because we are not that cheap to misbehave with a girl.
Ali:I can't even touch you. You are that poisonous.
Riya could'nt bear it:Ali!Naina:I am sure that no boy must have even dared to come near you before.Because you are a real chilly.RIYA:You are insulting me Naina.Many boys must have tried to woo you seeing your fake beauty.But don't be proud. And don't say that not even a single boy has fallen for me.Because a boy will propose to me surprising you all.
Naina smiled in a sarcastic manner:Who will propose to you?
Everybody laughed.
PANDIT could'nt stop laughing:Ali proposing to you?Never.If it happens the world will become straight,not round.Manoj:We can even believe that a guy will propose you.But we won't believe that it will be Ali.Naina:Even if you are the last girl in this world Ali won't propose you as Ali is not that type.
Riya stared at Ali:I will make you say 'i love you' to me Ali.It's my challenge.
Preeti:It will happen only in your dream.
RIYA:If then i will make my dream real.
Sameer:It may happen in real life only if Ali does a romantic drama with you.
ALI:I will not even do a romantic drama with Riya.
The Golden flies smiled.
Riya was irritated:If Riya decides something it can't be changed.
The golden flies smirked.
The Golden flies are having ice cream in the canteen.
PANDIT:I can't stop laughing now also thinking of Riya's words.Ali proposing to her...
PANDIT kept laughing.
Naina:Foolish girl.
Sameer:Let her say blah blah.She stays in the hostel.Right?Her only entertainment will be this.
Everybody laughed while Ali was serious.
ALI:I can't stand Riya.
Sameer just smiled:Cool downAli.
NAINA:Have ice cream Ali and chill.
Ali started having ice cream.
Naina laughed seeing ice cream drops on Sameer's face.
NAINA:So funny.If girls see this they will even mock you.
She wiped the icecream from his face with her fingers.Unknowingly Sameer's eyes followed her face.Arjun saw Naina wiping Sameer's face and becomes uncomfortable.
While they were going to the sports ground Naina's leg slipped and she fell down.Her knee got hurt.
Swati:What happened Naina?
NAINA:My knee got hurt.
Preeti:I will bring the first aid box.
Arjun:I will bring it.
He went and brought one.He was about to open it.But before that Sameer took it from him and opened the box.He took cotton and was about to wipe her knee blood.But he realized that it was covered by her skirt.He looked at her face.Naina was confused what to do.Though he hesitated a bit he managed to get courage and lifted her skirt above her knees.Arjun was shocked.Naina was shy.The other Golden flies did not take it in a different way.Sameer wiped her blood and put ointment there.While putting ointment unknowingly their eyes got stuck up to each other.A golden eye lock.So Naina did'nt feel pain.

Preeti:I think Naina should take rest.She should lie down for some time.We can take her to the sick room.Let her take rest there.
SAMEER:I will take her there.
He took her in his arms and started walking towards the sick room.They both were looking at each other.Arjun was feeling insecure.
Sameer was controlling his feelings. Sameer placed Naina on the bed in the sick room.
He was about to leave.Naina held his hand.He looked at her.Sameer:Naina!
NAINA:Sameer...Please don't go.
Sameer looked at her unbelievingly.
NAINA:I can't imagine myself alone here.Please sit here..near me.
Preeti came.
Preeti:Sameer,you are called for basket ball practice.I will sit here with Naina.
Sameer went out.Naina and Sameer felt sad as they could'nt be together.

After the sports practice Ali went to the washroom to wash his face.He saw Riya coming towards him.She was in a normal colour dress as she had changed her uniform in the hostel after the school hour.She smiled at him.She looked sweet and stylish.
RIYA:Hi Ali.
Ali did'nt say anything.
RIYA:I know you are angry with me.I am sorry.
Ali tried to go away.
RIYA:Ali...please...say that you forgave me.
ALI:You insulted me a lot.It's not easy to forgive you.
RIYA:Ok.But Ali i am really guilty.I apologize from the bottom of my heart.
ALI:I know that you are talking like this to win the bet.But no way.I will never say 'i love you' to you.
Riya controlled her anger.
RIYA:Ok.But i love you.
She smiled like a blossomed flower.ALI:Rubbish!Within few hours you fell in love with me?Do you think i am a fool to believe this?
RIYA:That time when i asked you to say ' i love you' i was not in love with you.But later i realized that i have started liking you in real.Because you are the only boy who defeated me softly.Love can happen at any time.It needs only a few seconds.

ALI:Ok...then within a few hours i also fell in love.
All the Golden flies reached there.They were shocked.
PANDIT:What a shock!Ali fell in love so fast.
Riya gave a victorious smile:See i won the bet.
ALI:Wait a minute to proclaim yourself as the winner Riya.
Ali looked at Preeti.
ALI:Preeti...i love you.
Everybody was shocked.
Manoj:What are you saying?
ALI:Yes.I love Preeti.
Ali smirked at Riya:You lost the bet Riya.
Riya was so hurt and frustrated that her eyes got welled up with tears.She ran away.
Preeti was in complete shock:What did you say Ali?

Preeti ran away.All the Golden flies felt bad.
Sameer patted Ali:I think Preeti is hurt.But don't wory.I will talk to her.Anyways good that you did'nt fall into Riya's trap.
Ali smiled.

Riya took the acid bottle from the lab without anyone's knowledge.Her face became red like a witch's face.
RIYA:You snatched Ali from me?He loves your face more than my face?I will make your face so ugly that Ali will hate your face.

Riya kept the bottle inside her bag.

After the classes got over Riya went towards Preeti.She stared at her.Preeti found her facial expression scary.
Riya took the acid bottle from her bag and opened it.She poured it on Preeti's face.Preeti covered her face with her hands and cried loudly.

Golden Flies: A Tale Of Cool Students SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now