Part 12

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Sameer:No Sir...i don't know how it came inside my bag.It's not mine.
The police pulled the collar of his shirt:When did you start this business?Do you also have drugs or you just make others have drugs?
SAMEER:Sir...i don't use or sell drugs.
They shouted at him:Then did the brown sugar packet come inside your packet automatically?You are just in school.Now itself you started doing these things.
SAMEER:No sir.I swear.I am innocent.

The police slapped him.
Sameer was shattered.
Sohail had a wicked smile on his face.The others were upset.
The Golden flies could not bear it.Sushama and Shilpa were very upset.The other Golden flies said:Don't hurt Sameer Sir.He is innocent.
Naina:Sir,before accusing him of selling drugs just check the packet properly and see if it's brown sugar.
They opened the packet and smelt it.They tasted it.
"Sorry.It's sugar powder".
Everybody was relieved while Sohail was not able to believe it.
Sushama:Police men should not be careless.Your carelessness could have spoiled an innocent student's life.Kishan:And you people slapped an innocent boy.How can you cover it off?
Sushama:If we complain you people will be fired from the job.The cops became upset.
They:Sorry Madam .Shilpa:Can a sorry make us forget whatever hurtful things you guys did here?
They were embarrassed.Shilpa: What about the disturbance you all caused during my class hour?What about the carelessness you all showed?
They:Sorry for everything.
Naina:There is going to be a student's cookery show on tv.I am selected for the cookery show.Today evening from the school i will be taken for the shoot.I am going to make sweets.I brought the ingredients.But while walking along the road without my knowledge my sugar packet fell down.So i rang up Sameer for help.He bought sugar for me.For a moment he got scared,that' why he failed to identify the sugar packet he bought.But Sir...the information you all got is true.There is a student who uses drugs secretly in the toilet.He had tried selling drugs in the school.But we Golden flies caught him red handed.Thus we became his enemies.Recently again he started selling drugs.

The police men,Sushama,Kishore,Kishan and Shilpa were shocked.
Naina :We thought of complaining to Sushama Ma'am.But Sameer did'nt want to spoil his life before the board exams get over.Sorry.But since he has no plans to change i have to reveal his name now.
Sohail got scared.
Everybody was shocked.Sohail stammered:No no.This girl is lying about me.
Naina:No.I am saying the truth.The police men stared at Sohail and walked towards him,Sohail got scared and sweated.Naina:Please open his bag.You can surely find drugs in his bag.He always carries it with him.Sohail:No Sir.There is nothing like that in my bag.They opened his bag and found brown sugar packets.All were shocked.
Suddenly Sohail tried to run away.But the police men caught him and went away.
Sushamar:Naina,why did you lie about the cookery show?
NAINA:Sorry Ma'am,in order to save our friend Sameer i had to tell a lie.Actually Sohail was behind this.I saw him keeping the brown sugar packet inside Sameer's bag.Without his knowledge i replaced the brown sugar packet with the sugar packet our peon Reshma didi bought for herself.I kept the brown sugar packet inside Sohail's bag as i felt that he needed to be punished for trying to trap our innocent friend Sameer.
Sameer:Thank you Naina...
Sameer and Naina looked at each other emotionally.

Kishore:Though Golden flies were considered to be the notorious gang of our school,actually they only saved our school's reputation.
Shilpa:I always had complete faith in Golden flies.Kishan:Students like Golden flies can only help others,not harm anyone.
Sushama:I feel very happy that because of a butterfly our whole school escaped from a big danger.If Sohail was'nt exposed many of our students would have become drug addicts.In this happiness i have planned an excursion.
Everybody was excited.

Ali rang up Riya.
ALI:Riya,it's me.Your Ali.
She got irritated:I don't want to hear your voice.You should not call me again. can be angry with me.But don't spoil your life.You should come back to school.
RIYA:No.I will not.
ALI:Don't spoil your life Riya.

RIYA:You told others that i am under mental treatment.For others i am a mental patient.They hate me.I can't face anyone.
ALI:No Riya.Only our gang knew it.Our gang does'nt hate you.They love you.And I had'nt told others.
RIYA:You are lying.
ALI:No Riya.I am telling the truth.I don't know who poisoned your mind.Our only enemy is Sohail.Did he brainwash you?
Riya was reminded of Sohail irritating her.She did'nt say anything.
ALI:Sohail got arrested.
Riya was shocked.
ALI:He tried to trap Sameer in a drug case.But he himself got trapped.He himself was a drug addict who tried to inject drugs in others.
Riya could'nt believe it.
ALI:He is not trust worthy Riya.Don't believe his words.
Riya was confused.
ALI:Riya...tomorrow we all are going for an excursion to Goa.You should also come.It's my request.
He put the phone down.Riya was confused.

The students were waiting inside the bus for the driver.Ali was waiting for Riya.
Manoj:Will Riya come?I doubt.
ALI:She will definitely come.
Riya arrived.Ali was excited.But Riya got inside the bus without even smiling at Ali.Golden flies were excited. came?
Riya sat there without answering.The Golden flies felt sad.
They all went to Goa for excursion.Preeti:Wow...Goa looks wow.They all were having fun in the water.
Arjun noticed Shefali alone.Arjun:Shefali alone?Why she is not with Sameer?Shefali noticed him stare at her.Shefali:What happened Arjun?Arjun:Nothing.I wonder why you are alone.
Shefali:What is so new in it?I was always alone.It's fine.Still I can have fun.
Arjun thought:Why is she hiding her relationship status with Sameer?Shefali walked away.

Arjun moved towards Naina.Arjun:Such a fun trip.Right?
Arjun:But you spent only a little time in the water.
Naina:Ya...I didn't feel like immersing in water for a long time.Felt cold.
Arjun:Oh.Naina said in her mind:Without Sameer how can I enjoy on the beach?Shilpa was enjoying a lot on the beach.

Kishan went near her.Kishan:Still your craze for beach has'nt gone.
Shilpa are right.I just love to be on beach.Kishan:Do you remember the golden moments we spent on beach during our younger days?She blushed.Flash back...Shilpa was in her beach attire enjoying on the beach.

Kishan looked at her with a naughty smile.

Kishan poured water on her romantically and she got lost in that.They both swam in the sea together...They splashed water at each other.They shared passionate moments in the sea water.Present...Kishan looked at Shilpa romantically.Kishan:I feek like reliving those passionate moments.Shilpa blushed.Shilpa:Stay away from me you naughty boy.Here we are teachers and behave maturely,not like crazy romantic teenagers.Kishan:Ok.Since we are teachers here I will behave maturely.But during our honeymoon time don't tell me to stay in my limits.I won't listen to you.She blushed.
Preeti and Swati went near Riya.
Preeti:Riya,why are you not talking to us?
Riya smiled in a sarcastic manner:How can i talk to you all?I am inferior to you all.Right?I am a mental patient.Not normal like you all.So you all can play with my emotions.Swati:Why are you talking like this Riya?For Golden flies you are always a sweet girl.Our Ali's beloved.
Riya looked at them in disbelief.
Preeti:Ali is shattered after you left him. Poor Ali.
SWATI:We all forced him to come to the beach But still he did'nt even put his feet in the water though he loves swimming.
Riya was confused.
She looked at Ali.Slowly she went towards him.Ali looked at her with hope.RIYA:Sorry Ali.I can't forget what you did to me so easily.But don't upset your friends by not joining them in the water.Ali:Ok.Due to wind sand got inside Riya's eyes.Riya:Ah...Ali:Riya...are you alright?
Riya:It's irritating me.

Ali went towards her face.He took a kerchief and wiped her eye lids.
Then he started blowing air at her eyes.

For a moment Riya was lost in him.Ali:Are you ok now?Riya:Yes.Thanks.He smiled.
She just walked away.He smiled:I know still long for me.Otherwise you would not have come to me.You would not have even come for the excursion.
Riya turned back and looked at him.He smiled.But she did'nt smile back.He went to the sea water.The Golden flies were very happy.

Swati and Manoj moved to a lonely area and started chatting.Manoj:At least here we will get privacy.Swati:Exactly.We can do our lovely dovey talk here.No one is here.Otherwise they will tease us to the core.
Manoj:Exactly Swati.Are you referring to the book I gave you as a valentine's gift?Swati blushed:Of course Munna.It's the first romantic gift I got from you.Whenever I have doubts I refer to that.What about my hair clip?Manoj:I kept it safe in my cupboard.Whenever I miss you I take it and caress it.I hug it while sleeping.She blushed.
They shared a cute eye lock.Pandit and Preeti made a castle on the sand .They both saw each other's castle and got surprised.Pandit:You castle looks exactly like mine.Preeti:Ya.And yours looks just like mine.It means our dreams are same when it comes to building up our own home.Pandit:Exactly.Let us make a castle together Preeti.Preeti:Of course yes.They made a castle together.They hands rubbedeach others in between.They felt shy and looked at each other.They both were shy.They looked at the castle they made.Preeti:It looks so cute.Better than the castles we made separately.
Pandit:It looks prettier because we both made this together.They shared a sweet eye lock smiling.
Sameer's eyes looked for Naina.
SAMEER:Where is Naina?
Suddenly he realized that Arjun was also not there.He became insecure.
SAMEER:Arjun and Naina may be together?Oh!

He ran searching for them.
Arjun had taken Naina to a beach restaurant.
NAINA:Arjun,why did you bring me here?If our teachers come to know that we are here i don't know how they will react.
Arjun:They won't know that we are not there as there are many other students.
Arjun ordered for orange juice and the waiter kept 2 glasses of orange juice on their table.Naina did'nt notice it.
NAINA:Tell me why you brought me here.
All lights were switched off.Only candle light.Naina could'nt believe it:What is this?
Arjun knelt down holding a red rose.
Arjun Naina,will you be my girl?
Naina was stunned.
Sameer who reached there at that time was shocked to see it.
SAMEER:My doubt was true.They are together.He became insecure.
NAINA:What is this Arjun?

Arjun:I love you Naina.
Naina was shocked.
NAINA:No know that i can't.
Arjun became upset:Why Naina?You had crush on someone.But he does'nt feel the same for you.You have to move on Naina.
NAINA:It's too early for that Arjun.I can't forget all that so are my good friend.Please don't expect anything more than that.
Arjun became upset.
Arjun:I am sorry Naina.
NAINA:Let us go back.They will be searching for us.
Sameer was relieved.
SAMEER:So Naina does'nt love Arjun.What did i think about her?I misunderstood that she loves Arjun.Foolish me.He thought of Naina looking at him deeply at various times and saving him from the police.He smiled.Sameer:It means Naina loves me?Then why did Arjun say that the person she likes does'nt like her?May be like I thought that Naina does'nt love me,she also thought that I don't love her?

  Sameer smiled.
SAMEER said in his mind:Naina...If you think that i don't love you like you love me i will prove you wrong on the last day of our school.  

Golden Flies: A Tale Of Cool Students SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now