Part 13

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Naina,Arjun and Sameer returned to the beach.
Swati went towards Naina:Naina,where were you?
Naina stammered:Actually...i just went to drink juice.I was thirsty.
SWATI:I got scared.

NAINA:Why to get scared?
SWATI:Because you and Preeti were not seen.
NAINA:What?Preeti was not with me.
SWATI:My God!Then where is she?
Then Preeti came.She ran towards Swati and Naina.
Preeti:Is everything alright?
SWATI:You just disappeared.I got scared.Where were you?Preeti making castles with Pandit.She blushed.

Preeti:I went to ring up my parents.
SWATI:You could have rung them here.
Preeti:There was no range.So i went somewhere else.
SWATI:So much of time to talk?What is there to talk?
Preeti:Come on yaar.So much to talk about our excursion.
SWATI:Ok...Come..let's have more fun in the water.
Preeti :Ok.Naina saw Shefali going towards Sameer.She was very wet.So her curves were clear.

She thought:No wonder why Sameer is attracted towards her.She is always hot.
Naina became jealous of Shefali.

At the end of the day Sameer Naina were so tired that they ended up drinking limitless water.

Preeti Pandit Manoj Swati were stunned to see it.
Pandit:Arre yaar.If you finish the bottles how will we get water?
Preet6i:Spare for us too.

Sameer:You guys drink sea water.
Swati:But sea water is salty.How will we drink it Munna?
Everyone started laughing.Swati looked at them innocently without understanding anything.
Naina:Don't worry Swati.We will filter the sea water and give you.It won't be salty.
All were trying to control their laughter.

They sat inside the bus to go back to the place they stay.Sameer sat near Naina.
Sameer smiled at her.Naina smiled back.
Sameer:How was the day?
Sameer:For me also.I really enjoyed a lot.

Naina said in her mind:If a hot girl like Shefali was with you, you would have enjoyed a lot.
Sameer kept looking at her with a smile.

The next day...

All of them went boating.Sameer Naina were together in the boat.

Naina thought:Good that at least here Sameer is with me and not with that Shefali.Sameer thought:So nice to be with Naina.Both were enjoying a lot.
All of them sat together for eating food.Sameer:What kind of food is this?Naina:Sameer...this is this place's special food.So the taste will be different.Right?
Sameer smiled:Ya.You are right.Shefali and Arjun were sitting next to each other and eating.Shefali:This is yummy.Right?Arjun:Yes.You know I love experimenting with different kinds of dishes from different places.Shefali:I also like it.The taste differs and that's unique.Arjun:Exactly.They both chatted a lot while eating.While eating Preeti started coughing suddenly.Pandit:What happened Preeti?
Preeti:I think something is stuck in my throat.Manoj:It happens Preeti.Pandit took a glass of water and gave it to her:Drink this.You will be alright.Pandit made her drink water by keeping the glass close to her lips.She drank it.Pandit:How do you feel now?Preeti:Now I am fine.Pandit:See...I told you.Preeti:Thank you Pandit.Pandit:Stop it Preeti.When did Golden Flies start thanking each other?These days all Golden Flies are thanking each other.They both giggled.All of them went shopping.Manoj bought a cute teddy bear and went near Swati.Manoj:Swati...this is a small gift for you.Swati blushed:This is so cute.Manoj:Just like our love.
They both smiled cutely at each other.Kishan chose a beautiful dress for Shilpa.Kishan:These days you are always wearing sarees.I want to see you in modern dress too like before.She blushed:Our students will see it.Kishan:No one will see it.Quick.Shilpa:Ok.Shilpa wore it in the dressing room and came out.
Kishan was mesmerized by her beauty.Kishan:You look so beautiful Shilpa.She was blushing.He went towards her to capture her lips.Suddenly the textile shop owner said:This cannot happen here.The embarrassed Shilpa and Kishan moved away from each other.The shop owner:These college students have no control.In public places too they are getting intimate shamelessly.Kishan and Shilpa were embarrassed.Kishan:They think that we are college students.
They both giggled.Shilpa:It's all because of you.Let me change into saree and come.Kishan:Oh no..again back to saree.During our honeymoon I won't let you wear saree at all.She smiled.

Swati,Naina,Preeti ,Shefali and Riya bought trendy clothes and wore them in the trial room.Then they took selfies.

After a month...
In the evening Ali found flowers fixed in his cycle.
He smiled thinking of Riya.ALI:I know it's you Riya.You can't be always angry with me.Your anger melted like an ice and your love for me flowed like water.
He rushed to the class room.There he saw Riya blushing.

  He smiled. did'nt go to hostel yet?
RIYA:I had gone.See...i changed my uniform.Then i came back.
ALI:Why did you come back?
She blushed:I guess you know why i came back from hostel.

He smiled.He looked at the flowers in his hand.
RIYA:How is it?
ALI:Beautiful like you.

She blushed.
ALI:Thank you so much for returning to my life.Life without you was dry.
She became sad.
RIYA:I tried a lot to hate you.Then i realised that my hatred for you was a part of my love.And I misunderstood you.
They both became emotional.

Golden Flies: A Tale Of Cool Students SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now