Part 20

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Naina:Tell me Sameer...don't hide anything from your Naina.Sameer's lips shivered:Sanchi said Pandit.Naina was shocked:No!Our Pandit won't do that.SAMEER:Relax Naina.But Sanchi said...NAINA:You trust Sanchi more than our friend?SAMEER:But Sanchi can't tell such a big lie.I am sure.How can she lie about this?NAINA:But Sameer...I feel something more is there into it...something which we don't know.I hope so.Don't worry Sameer.I will find out the truth.Take care.Slowly she took her hands back off him.They felt the pain of separation.Naina thought:I can't tell this to our Golden flies.They will be upset.But I need someone's help.But who?Suddenly she got an idea.Naina:Arjun!She rang up Arjun.He was surprised.Arjun:What a pleasant surprise Naina!NAINA:Arjun,I need your help.Please help me.Arjun:Naina...sure...I will be always there to help you...But tell me what help.Naina:I want to meet you soon.I will tell you everything once we meet.Arjun:Ok sure.Naina met Arjun.Arjun:Now say Naina.What is the matter?NAINA:Ok Arjun...let us discuss the matter.Naina told him everything.Arjun:Things are complicated.We need to go to the hospital and find out about Sanchi.Only she can reveal the truth.NAINA:But I don't know whether she regained consciousness.I heard that her step mother disowned her as indirectly her molestation ruined their family name.Arjun:Anyways we will go there and see.They went to the hospital.They entered Sanchi's room.They were shocked to see a masked man trying to remove the oxygen coverage from Sanchi.Seeing them he ran away.Naina connected the oxygen while Arjun ran out to catch him.But he failed to catch him and came back with disappointment.NAINA:Arjun... I am sure that he was behind Sanchi's present stage.And I am sure that he is not Pandit.Arjun:I have informed the doctor about the murder attempt.Now onwards they will be more careful about her.The doctor and the nurses came in.NAINA:Doctor...please give attention to Sanchi even though her family disowned her.DR:Don't worry.We will take care of her.All her medical expenses are done by her college Principal.He is great.Arjun and Naina went out of the room.
NAINA:I am scared whether that guy will try to kill Sanchi again.
Arjun:He might come again as it's his mission.But we will arrange Police men for security and make sure that Sanchi is safe.After few days...the doctor rang up Naina.Dr:Sanchi is conscious now.Naina was excited:Thank you doctor.Naina and Arjun went to see Sanchi.NAINA:Sanchi...Sanchi was surprised to see Arjun and Naina.Naina:How are you now?Sanchi:Better.Naina:It's really unfortunate that something like this happened to you.But I am sure that Pandit has not misbehaved with you.Then why did you lie to Sameer that Pandit tried to rape you? are misunderstanding me.I just said Pandit.I did'nt say he raped me.But guess my words were mistaken by Sameer.Naina was relieved.S:I was planning to say that Pandit's life is in danger.But I could'nt complete my sentence.Naina was shocked:What?Pandit's life in danger?He has no enemies.S:Not only Pandit,but you all have enemies.Sameer was successfully trapped by your enemy.Now he is aiming at Pandit. I heard that someone tried to kill me.I am sure that it's him. He did'nt want the truth to come out.That's why he tried to kill me.Naina was shocked.NAINA: Because of him Sameer and Shakti are accused of raping you.Sanchi shed tears:I heard that sad news from the nurse.Poor Sameer and Shakti are suffering because of me though they both are innocent in this case.Naina:Who is he?Tell me Sanchi...Sanchi opened her mouth to utter his name.

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