Part 21

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Naina:Who is he?Tell me Sanchi...Sanchi opened her mouth to utter his name.Sanchi:Suhail!Naina and Arjun were shocked:Suhail!NAINA:But he is in the jail.S:Yes.But he is on parole now.During this period he is trying to take revenge.He is our family friend.He came here to destroy golden flies.But before seeing golden flies he saw me.He wanted to destroy golden flies through me.I think He was under the effect of drugs.Naina:May be.Suhail is a drug addict.He used to sell drugs.That's why he got arrested.Flash back...Suhail:Because of golden flies my studies got stopped.My life got spoiled and recently I came to see Pandit and Preeti together in a park.I realized that they are in a romantic relationship..How can I tolerate it?While I hated golden flies also I loved Preeti secretly.But I lost her also.I won't allow Pandit to make Preeti his.I will kill him.Sanchi got scared:No....S:Yes.And I will trap golden flies also...Sanchi dailed Sameer's number.S:Sameer!SAMEER:Yes Sanchi.S:Please come to the dressing room.I need to talk to you.Very urgent.SAMEER:Ok,I am on the way to the washroom.Will reach soon.He cut the call.Suhail laughed.S:Let Sameer come here.I want him to come here now.Then only I can trap him.He pulled Sanchi's hair.Sanchi screamed:AaaaaaaaaaaaaHe closed her mouth with his hand.He tore her dress slightly.S:What are you doing?Suhail:I will not do anything as I love Preeti like madly.I will be faithful to her.But people should think that you are raped by Sameer.For that you need to look like a rape victim.Sanchi was scared:No...Suhail scratched her body with his sharp nails.Sanchi cried loudly.Hearing someone's foot steps guessing that it's Sameer he ran out.Present...Sanchi:He planned to trap only Sameer.But unexpectedly Shakti also came in.Sanchi kept crying.NAINA:Anyways you are not raped.Be happy about that.Arjun;How dare that Suhail do such a cheap thing?He has'nt learnt anything even after living in the jail for a long time.He is very dangerous.

Naina:Suhail is very dangerous.But don't worry Sanchi.We have arranged Police men to give you full protection.You have to tell the truth in the court.S:Yes.To save those two innocent guys I will do that.Naina was relieved.She went to meet Sameer and told him the truth.Sameer was shocked.He was sad also.SAMEER:Oh!What did I do?Even though Pandit cried without seeing the truth in his eyes I suspected him and wounded his heart by being rude.

I want to apologize to him.

Pandit came from behind.PANDIT:No need to apologize my friend.Circumstance only made you doubt me.Sameer cried:I am sorry my friend.Pandit's eyes were wet:It's ok Sameer.Anyways the truth is out.We will save you and Shakti.Sameer smiled with hope and relief.Pandit:Now our aim is to expose that Suhail.

Sameer and Naina:Yes.

Golden Flies: A Tale Of Cool Students SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now