Part 23

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The golden flies won in campus selection .They were happy that they all got placement in the same company.They were so happy that they hugged each other.
Ali looked around.Riya was missing.
He was going downstairs while Riya was climbing upstairs.
She looked upset.
ALI:Riya,why are you upset?
RIYA:Ali...golden flies are happy that they all got job in the same company.But they forgot that Riya Rani is also a Golden fly.She did'nt get job in the same ccompany.
Ali felt upset.
RIYA:I have to help my mom in her business.After the exams i will be working in her company.
Her eyes got filled up with tears.She embraced him.
RIYA:Ali...i am scared whether i will lose you.
ALI:Riya!Don't think like that.Just because we won't be able to work together our love won't fade.I will always be yours.If Ali will ever get married the bride will be you.
Riya was relieved:Ali!
Ali and Deep looked at each other emotionally.
The other golden flies watched this happily.
They went near them.
Naina wiped Riya's tears.
NAINA:What if we don't meet see everyday.We can meet on weekends.Right?We all will be in the same place.Golden flies will never get separated from each other.Our friendship is strong.
Sameer:Naina is right.Day by day our friendship will get stronger and stronger.Riya smiled.

The Golden flies did combined studies for exams.

They all wrote their exams.
After that there was a farewell party.
Naina wore a beautiful white frock.Sameer was flattered seeing her ravishing look.
Naina laughed:Don't fall down.Otherwise you won't be able to get up .
SAMEER:To be with you, i can get up from any fall at any time.
She smiled.
Sameer:You look like fairy who came down from heaven.She blushed.They shared a sweet romantic eye lock.
Preeti was seen in a wine colour gown.Pandit could not take his eyes off Preeti.Preeti blushed thinking:This boy's eyes are always on me.

Swati came wearing a beautiful black dress.
Swati:How do I look Munna?
Munna:Superb as always.very cute.
Swati thought:The time I spent in the beauty parlour is worth it.Munna loved my look.

The teachers and students shared their experiences in the college.
Sameer and Naina packed their college bag.
Riya:Guys...please don't go home so soon.
They all looked at Riya. RIYA:You all will meet everyday in the office.But i can't meet you all daily.I will miss you all a lot.So shall we enjoy more before leaving the college?They all smiled.
NAINA:I think that's a good idea.Arjun was sad to leave the college.He looked at Shefali.She looked sad.He walked towards her emotionally.Arjun:Shefali...Shefali:Bye Arjun.After this day no idea if we ever see again or not.Arjun:Don't you want to see me again?Shefali was stunned by the question.Shefali replied emotionally:Ya...Arjun:Then why are you talking like this?If we both want to see each other we should meet each other.Nothing should stop us from meeting each other.Shefali was stunned.Shefali was relieved too.Shefali:You also want to see me after this day?Arjun:Of course yes Shefu.Shefali was surprised:Shefu?Arjun:Ya.We tend to call our closest ones by pet name.Right?She was again surprised:Closest one?Me?Arjun:Ya...are you not my closest person?She blushed.He took a red rose from behind and extended it towards her.Arjun:Shefu...I love you.She was very happy.She took it from him and embraced him.Shefali:O Arjun!I never thought that my sad farewell day will turn out be the sweetest day of my life which filled my heart with happiness.Arjun:Shefu...Shefali:I love you Arjun...Arjun held her closer happily.
The Golden flies played various games like Antakshari.
Ali and Riya went to another room to have some private time.
Swati and Preeti went to the canteen as they were hungry.
PANDIT:Guys...shall we watch a movie?
Manoj:Now?We are so tired that we can't think of going to the theatre.
PANDIT:Not to the theatre.I have a movie in my mobile.Only some clips.
Sameer:Movie clips?Which movie?
They were shocked.
Sameer:You have Jism 2's clips in the mobile?
Manoj:No no.We should not watch such clips.We have to be decent.
Sameer tried to control himself:Yes,we need to be decent.Afterall we are golden flies yaar.
Naina :Ok..if you guys don't want to watch Jism2 ,it's fine.But Pandit and I will sit together and watch it. Pandit...don't waste time.Let us enjoy Jism2.
NAINA:We both are same when it comes to movies.
Pandit and Naina smiled.PANDIT:Yes.
Sameer:Don't enjoy leaving us behind.
Sameer snatched the mobile from Pandit.They all laughed.
They watched the movie clips with keen interest.
PANDIT:She is so hot.
Sameer:Such a hot scene.
Naina:She is smoking hot.No wonder why you all are mad about her.
Manoj:Stop passing comments and enjoy the are so fake.In front of Swati you pretend to be decent and with us you are the naughtiest.
They all laughed.
Manoj became embarrassed.
Swati and Preeti came.Swati:What are you watching?Pandit whispered:The most decent girl of our gang Swati has come.Hide the mobile.
Manoj hid the mobile.
SWATI:What did you hide from me?
She opened Manoj's fist and took the mobile.She was shocked to see the clips.
SWATI:Munna,you also started watching such movies?
Manoj was embarrassed as he was caught red handed y Swati.Manoj::Swati...
SWATI:I did'nt expect this from you.
Manoj:Sorry Swati.Preeti was shocked to see what they were watching.She felt like laughing.Preeti tried to squeeze Pandi's check softly in a funny manner.Preeti:I won't leave you for watching this movie without me.They both were too supporting them?Sameer:Swati...Why should you scold Munna for watching Jism2?Are you planning to be decent even after marriage?Do you expect Munna to be extra decent after marriage too?
Swati was embarrassed. Manoj was shy.
Naina whispered in Sameer's ears:Shameless creature!Sameer smiled.

Sameer:Swati...Chill yaar...Come and watch Jism2
with us .
Swati became shy.She also joined them in watching it.
They all giggled.
Till night golden flies enjoyed each others' company by singing ...dancing and playing games.

Golden Flies: A Tale Of Cool Students SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now