Part 22

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When Sanchi was brought to the court Shakti was relieved.
S:Judgeji...Shakti and Sameer are innocent.The person who hurt me is Suhail.So please leave Sameer and Shakti.It's my request.I don't want two innocent men to suffer because of me.
The lawyer submitted the medical reports which proved that Sanchi was not raped and the wounds in her body were caused by Suhail as his blood matched it.
Sameer and Shakti were released and the Judge ordered to arrest Suhail for life imprisonment,They were relieved.Sameer's grand mother Devayani hugged him and kissed him.Deva:I can't tell you how happy I am now.God is with us beta.Sameer:It's your prayers which saved me.Devayani smiled.She saw Naina and smiled at her.Devayani caressed Naina's face:Thank you so much beta.It's you who always stands by my Sameer.Naina:Don't say thanks Nani.When we d something for our own people is there any need for thanks?Devayani smiled.Sameer and Shakti went towards Sanchi.
Shakti:Thanks a lot Sanchi.
Sameer:Because of you only we are escaped from the jail life.
Sanchi:You thank Naina and Arjun.They only helped you both actually.If they had'nt tried to find out the truth this would not have happened and i would have been even killed.

Sameer looked at Naina emotionally.Naina's eyes were wet.He held her hands and shared an emotional eye lock. Sameer looked at Arjun:Thanks a lot Arjun.You are a true friend.
Arjun smiled.Arjun:We all are happy that you guys are free now.All the best Sameer.Arjun walked away.Naina followed him:Arjun!
He looked at her cheerfully:Naina!
NAINA:Thanks a lot for your help Arjun.You really helped me a lot.What do you want in return?

Arjun:Naina...i helped you without expecting anything in return.That's true friendship.Right?

She smiled.
Arjun:You can always call me when my help is needed.Bye.
Arjun went out of the court.He was surprised to see Shefali there.He was surprised to see her there.
Shefali:You are their true friend Arjun.

I am proud to say that now you are my best friend.

Arjun and Shefali smiled at each other sweetly.
Shakti:Sanchi...where are you going?
S:Since my step mother does'nt need me i have moved to the college hostel.Luckily the principal showed mercy on me because of the marks i have scored till now.
She just went away.Shakti who raised his hand to stop her put his hand down due to hesitation.
Sameer whispered in his ears:You were the goon of our college.You had the courage to do anything.But you lack the courage to express love to the girl you love.
Shakti was embarrassed.

Dragon flies and golden flies hugged each other.
Shakti:Sorry for troubling you all.
Siddanth:We hurt you all very badly.
Ayesha:Now we realize our mistake.We are really ashamed of ourselves
Siddhanth:Because you all only we got our friend Shakti back.We are really grateful to you all.

Shakti:Now onwards there won't any enmity between us.
Sameer:Yes,we all are friends now.
They all smiled.
PANDIT:Hey...then why don't we celebrate it?Preeti:Exactly.Today is a special day for us.So celebration is a must.
Swati:But how will we celebrate it?
Manoj:Not any pub this time as Sameer is too weak to dance.He needs to relax.

Riya:Let us go for lunch.Sameer can eat and relax.Ali:Good idea.
Sameer:I want to eat something delicious today.I really missed good food in the jail.Naina:Don't worry Sameer.We will go to the best restaurant to have lunch.Sameer smiled.
Naina:We should call Arjun too as he helped us a lot.Sameer:Sure.Arjun should also join us.Naina rang up and called Arjun for lunch.Arjun:Sure.It's a pleasure to join you all.But can I bring Shefali too with me?Naina smirked:Oh now a days you need Shefali with you always.Arjun became shy.Naina:Ok.Bring her too.Arjun:Thank you Naina.
Naina:What is the need to say thank you now?Shefali is our friend too.Right?Arjun smiled.
They all went to the restaurant.Arjun reached there with Shefali. They started having lunch.Shefali:I am happy that you called me to join you all for lunch Arjun.Arjun:How can I not call you when you are my best friend?They both smiled at each other .Then they started eating food.

Riya:It's fun to have lunch with everyone.Right Ali?Ali:Yes.When we are with our dearest ones food is tastier.Riya:I agree with you Ali.Pandit was looking at Preeti deeply.Preeti became over conscious.Preeti:Why are you looking at me like this Pandit?Is my face looking funny while eating food?
Pandit smiled:No Preeti.You are looking so sweet that I feel like looking at you like this.She blushed.
She pretended to be tough.Preeti:Now stop looking at me and eat your food.Otherwise you will never finish your food.Pandit was embarrassed.Pandit:Ok.With a smile he started having his food and Preeti smiled.Sameer saw a drop of curry on Naina's lip and slightly above it.He wiped it softly.

Naina became shy.They were lost in each other.'s gone.Still you are wiping.
He smiled shyly.
Sameer:While looking at you I did'nt know that your face has become clean.When I see you I don't see anything else.

She blushed.

Manoj took a kerchief and started wiping Swati's face.
Swati smiled:Why are you doing this Munna?Manoj:Seeing Sameer wipe Naina's face I got this idea.You did'nt like it??Swati blushed:I liked it Munna.It was very romantic.Manoj too blushed.Sameer and Naina saw it.
Naina:Are they copying us?
Sameer:Ya..Copy cats.They laughed.

After a week Suhail was caught by the Police.

Naina and Sameer were talking..
NAINA:I feel very sad for Sanchi.She is so lonely.
SAMEER:Actually she is not lonely.She knows that there is someone who loves her madly.But she hesitates to accept him only because of his character.
Naina could'nt believe it.N:Who is he?
Naina was surprised:Shakti is in love with Sanchi?Can't believe it.Sameer:Even I could'nt believe it first that a guy like Shakti can love a girl like Sanchi.Naina:Sameer...we should join them.

Sameer and Naina met Sanchi.
Sameer:Shakti loves you a lot.He has changed a lot.He is not a goon anymore.You should accept him.Sanchi was stunned.
Naina gave her an anarkali.
NAINA:This is Shakti's gift for you.He wants you to wear this and come to Yellow Rose Restaurant.
NAINA:Sanchi...please don't refuse and break Shakti's heart.Only a very few people get true love and you are getting it.He has come to take you to his life.You are not alone anymore.
Sanchi's eyes became wet.

Sameer and Naina waited at the restaurant.
SAMEER:Sanchi has'nt come yet.
Naina was biting her nails:Oh!I hope she will come.
Sanchi came.
SAMEER:Thank God you came.
Sameer and Naina took her inside where Shakti was waiting for her.Sameer and Naina left.Shakti was happy to see her in the anarkali he bought for her.
She simply looked at him as she was an introvert who hid her feelings and emotions.Shakti was nervous.Sh:Let us sit.
They both sat.
S:I know what you want to say.You have already said that to me in the last semester.
Sh:Yes.That time i was a rowdy. But i am not same anymore.Sanchi...i can't see you living a lonely life.I want you Sanchi...i want you...please be with me.I promise you that I will never be the same Shakti like before and I will never hurt you.I will wipe loneliness from your life forever.He became emotional.Sanchi was silent.He moved towards her.Slowly he caressed her face.Slowly she smiled.He was really surprised.
She nodded her head with a smile.They both held each others hands and looked at each other deeply.

Sameer and Naina watched it from a distance with a smile.

Sameer looked deeply at Naina:Naina...they are enjoying their romantic moments.Then why not us?
NAINA blushed:Sameer!

SAMEER:Anyways we are in the restaurant. Shall we have a candle light dinner?
NAINA:Candle light dinner?It will take time to arrange it.
SAMEER:I have already made the arrangements.
Naina was surprised.
SAMEER:Since we are coming here i made sure that we will cute moments here.
She smiled.
He held her hand and took her to a private room where candle light dinner was arranged.NAINA:It's lovely Sameer.

He smiled.He made her sit there and served her food.She also served him food.
They ate happily sharing romantic glances with each other.

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