Part 10

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Dedicated to Kavita for suggesting a jodi name to Kishan-Shilpa-KisPa

Valentine's day...Sameer went near Naina with red roses.

NainaThis is for you.
Naina became nervous and embarrassed.Naina:What is this Sameer?You are giving me red roses in front of the whole class?What will they think?Sameer:Let anyone think anything.My love for you is open,it is not to be hidden.She blushed taking the rose from him.Naina:But if anyone especially Sohail complains to the teachers?Sameer:I may get scoldings..maximum suspension for a few days.That's nothing.Why should I fear to love.He smiled.Sameer went back to his seat.Naina kept the red rose on her bench.Sameer was gazing at her smiling from his seat.Naina:This Sameer...Suddenly Naina realized that it was her dream.Naina:Oh no...Sameer did'nt confess his love to me.I have to wait more for that beautiful moment.

Naina bought red roses.
NAINA:Today Sameer will confess his feelings to me.Then as a surprise i will gift these roses to him.No...i don't have patience to wait for that.I will give these roses and confess my love surprising him.
She blushed imagining giving red roses to Sameer.
Because of students' special request they were allowed to wear colour dress onValentine's day.
PANDIT was decorating the school with red roses.Preeti was assisting him.Pandit:You want roses?Preeti:No,why should I need it?Like you I am also single.Pandit:Wish we both too got our soul mate.Preeti:Ya..right Pandit.Then we can also celebrate Valentine's day to the extreme.Pandit:Exactly Preeti.Wonder how my girl will be.Preeti:Even I wonder how my boy will be.Preeti went to another section for decoration. are busy decorating...
PANDIT:Yes Ma'am.Since i don't have a girl friend i can only do this today.
Shilpa burst into laughter:You are only in school.When you become an adult you will get your sweet heart.Because you are very sweet.Till then wait patiently.
Shilpa nodded her head with a smile.Pandit blushed.
All other Golden flies came.
Sameer:Kishan sir is also sweet.He just needs the love of a sweet lady like you.
Shilpa was shocked:Sameer!
Naina:We came to know that Kishan Sir was your ex-boy friend.
Sameer:But you still love him.
S:Sameer!You are talking to your teacher.Just because i am free with you all don't try to take advantage of it.
Manoj:We are sorry Ma'am.
Preeti:Today is lovers' day.So we wanted to clear the misunderstandings and reunite you and Kishan Sir.
Shilpa was shocked:Reuniting us?Just because Sushama Ma'am is too sweet she allowed you all to celebrate Valentine's day even though it's only a school.But that does'nt mean you all can do anything.
Ali:Ma' might regret avoiding Kishan Sir.He is that nice.
S:What do you know about him?Do you know how much insult we had to undergo because of him?
Sameer:It was not his fault.It was his dad's mistake.Yesterday Kishan Sir and his dad apologized to your father.He is happy about you getting married to Kishan Sir.Because he knows that you still love him even though you try hard to hate him.Kishan sir asked him to hide it from you as he wanted to talk to you before they get into the marriage procedures.That's why you were not informed about it.
Shilpa was shocked.Immediately she rang up her dad.
S:Papa,did Kishan and his dad apologize to you?
Her dad was quiet.
S:Why are you quiet dad?
Dad:Yes Shilpa.They regret hurting us.Kishan is a nice boy.You will not get a better guy.Please forgive them and accept Kishan.Otherwise he will be depressed.He loves you that much.And every person deserves a second chance beta especially when they regret their deeds.But here even though Kishan is innocent he had to suffer because of your misunderstandings about him.Still he apologized for not his fault just for your love.He is craving for you beta.This is love...true love.Shilpa's eyes became wet.
Sameer:Please give one more chance to Kishan Sir.Naina:Yes Ma'am.This is Valentine's day.Please make it more colourful and romantic.
Kishan came slowly.He was very emotional.
Kis:I am sorry...Please forgive me Shilpa...
Slowly Shilpa smiled with tears in her eyes.Kishan was relieved.Kishan went towards her and held her arms.They were lost in each other.The Golden flies hooted.
Kishan and Shilpa were embarrassed.
PANDIT:This s a school.You both are teachers.Please don't romance in front of the students.We are not adults.
Everybody laughed.They became shy.
Kishan held her closer and Shilpa too held him tight not willing to leave him.
The Golden flies showed actions to rejoice this happy moment.

S:Thank you so much Golden flies for uniting us.
Kis:Even though we are teachers we need to thank our students for giving us a chance to open our heart to each other.

The Golden flies smiled.Sameer and Naina smiled at each other.Sameer:They both look so beautiful together.Right?Naina:Yes..a made for each other jodi ...Naina said in low voice:just like us.Sameer:What?Naina:Nothing.Sameer was looking at her romantically.Suddenly he was reminded of Arjun Naina moment and got disturbed.

Ali told are the one who loves me the most.If i ever get married that will be only you.
She became very emotional:Ali!
Ali wiped her tears:Don't cry.You are too weak to cry.You keep smiling.
She smiled.
The Golden flies clapped their hands.They became shy.Ali put his hands around her shoulders and held her close to him.She also held him tightly as she did'nt want him to go away from her.Ali went near Sameer and told him softly:You were right Sameer.I really love Riya.Thanks for making me understand it.Sameer patted his shoulders smiling.Riya pulled away Ali for a selfie.Manoj went slowly towards Swati.
She was shy as she knew that he had a soft corner towards her and was going to reveal it now.
Manoj:Actually...i wanted to tell you that...Swati:Say Munna...what do you want from me?Manoj:i ...i need your chemistry text book.I forgot to bring it.
Swati became dull:You have only this much to say?
Manoj stammered.
Swati removed her hair clip and gave it to him.
SWATI:This is my Valentine's gift for you.
Manoj:Hair clip?
SWATI:Yes.I have never given my hair clip to anyone.Since you are special i gave it to you.
Manoj looked at Swati unbelievingly:Swati!
She blushed.Slowly he smiled.He opened his bag and gave her a Chemistry reference book.
Manoj:Thi is my Valentine' gift for you.
The other Golden flies who were hiding behind them hooted.They were embarrassed.
Naina:No one else must have gifted hair clip to the boy friend on Valentine's day.
PANDIT:Which boy friend gifts reference book to the girl friend on Valentine' day?
Manoj:I believe in gifting something useful.This book will be useful for Swati.
PANDIT:But how is the hair clip useful for you?Are you planning to start tying your hair with this clip?For that you need to grow hair.
Preeti:Munna with long hair will be so cute.Swati:Munna is always cute.
Everybody laughed.Manoj Swati were shy.Sameer:What is this?No love confession at all.Manoj:Who said we did'nt confess our love to each other?By exchanging gifts we confessed our love.All other Golden Flies open their mouth in O' shape.Swati:Ya..this is our style of confessing love.Manoj:How is it?The other Golden Flies burst into laughter:Crazy couple.Manoj-Swati were embarrassed.
PANDIT:Manoj...i never knew a book worm like you could hide love behind books.
He was shy.
Swati looked at the book.
SWATI:Munna...this is not the Chemistry reference book.This is English dictionary.
PANDIT took spectacles from Manoj's bag and put it for him.
PANDIT:You removed your glasses to look smarter to impress Swati and did'nt know which book you picked up for Swati.So better you wear glasses always.Otherwise you will not even recognize Swati in future.
Everybody including Swati laughed.Manoj was embarrassed.
Manoj:Ya ya...correct.

Naina thought:Where is Sameer?I have to give him the red roses.

Shefali went near Sameer.She was blushing.
SHEFALI:Sameer...i want to tell you something.
Suddenly she noticed tears in his eyes.
SHEFALI:What happened Sameer?Why are you so upset on this beautiful day?Till now you looked happy with your friends.But now when you are alone you are shedding tears.It means you are trying to hide yoir pain and tears from your own friends?Sameer:Yes.My friends should not know this.Shefali:But why?You guys always share happiness and pain with each other.But now why are you not doing it?Sameer:Because my pain will affect our friendship.Shefali:Tell me what your problem is.Why are you not happy on Valentine's day?
SAMEER:Shefali...since you caught me red handed in this condition I can't hide anything from you.Actually i can' be happy on this day.Because the girl i love loves someone else.
Shefali was shocked.
SHEFALI:Which girl?
Shefali was shattered.She struggled hard to control her emotions.
SAMEER:She loves Arjun.
SHEFALI:Are you sure?
SAMEER:Yes.I saw them together.
He was reminded of Arjun sitting very close to Naina and whispering in her ear.
SHEFALI:Sameer,i can understand how one feel when love is lost.But...She held his hands:You have to move on.How long can you be upset like this?
Naina rushed to met Sameer with the red roses:I can't wait to confess my love to you Sameer.
But she could'nt believe her eyes seeing Shefali holding Sameer's arms.She became numb for a moment.
She thought:What i feared the most has happened.Sameer accepted Shefali.But how can Sameer love Shefali when I am here?How can Sameer not love me?She was broken down and ran way crying.She tore the red roses.

Sameer:Shefali...i can never forget Naina.I love her sincerely.No one can expect me to move on that easily.
Shefali was shattered.She removed her hands off him.Sameer went away thinking of Arjun Naina's intimacy.His tears expressed his pain.

Sameer,Naina,Arjun and Shefali were upset in their respective places.

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