"You called her Camz..."

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Lauren and Jailynn had just got back to Ty's house from a shopping spree. Their hands full of shopping bags and parcels.

Lauren POV:

"That was fun, right?" I asked Jailynn.

"It was great. Thanks Lo" Jailyn replied smiling.

"Good. I'm glad you had fun." I said

"Hey girls." Ty said coming into the lounge room followed by a cloud of smoke. "What's going on?" 

"Just took Jailynn shopping." I replied.

"Oh thank you Lauren!" He smiled. Ty might be my PR and we might not like each other like that, but he was one of my best friends.

"So have you been on Twitter?" He asked.

"No? What? Is something wrong. Don't tell me there's more camren stuff." I replied worryingly.

"Well... some of its good. for us. And the label..." Ty said handing me his phone. I scrolled through his twitter feed.

"Jailynn Griffin and Lauren Jauregui go shopping!"
"Lauren treating her boyfriends daughter to a day out."
"Tyren is real"
"Lo and Jay day out"

I smiled. "Well. People are digging the PR. Nobody suspecting shit." I said happily.
"Well then there's other things..." Ty said nervously.
I went to my phone and saw what I was being tagged in. And my face dropped.

"The PR is real LJ addition"
"Tyren is so PR"
"Poor Lauren"
"Lolo and Camz should adopt Jailynn"
"Camren confirmed"

"Fuck!" I said annoyed. "Can people just give it a break. I'm so sick of this. It's not confirmed! They are so delusional!" I screamed. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Lauren? Are you ok?" Ty asked concerned.

"I will be... if that's what you're asking. I just need to find a way for people to forget about camren. It's over." I replied.

"I'm sorry Lauren." Jailynn said.

"Look what do you want us to do?" Ty asked.

"Nothing. It's ok. I'm just annoyed. I'm sorry." I replied lowering my head.

"Hey Laur. Its not your fault. And it's not Camila's either." Jailynn expressed.

"Oh I know it's not my fault. And I know it's not Camz's fault either. She is probably just as concerned as me..." I responded. Ty and Jailynn looked at me, then looked at each other and back at me. I noticed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Camz..." ty responded.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You called her Camz... you haven't said Camz in a long time..." Ty said nervously, scared he was gonna make me explode.

"Oh... well..." I stuttered nervously trying to think of a good excuse to why I called Camila my favourite nickname for her. "I... um... well... I.... it just blurted out. I guess I just... I don't know. Went back to old times..." I said quickly.

"Ok... we are here for you Lauren." Ty comforted me.

"Yea. Through thick and thin." Jailynn agreed.

"Thanks guys. I gotta go. I'll be round soon." I said holding back some tears.

"Ok cya Laurs." Jailynn hugged me goodbye.

"Bye Lauren." Ty said.

I walked out of the house. I got into my car and drove off...

I drove into a empty street wanting to sit alone in a quiet place. I looked at my messages and saw that my manager had texted me.

"Well done Lauren! You are feeding people the PR they need. Haha. Thank Jailynn for me."

I threw my phone to the passenger seat.

"Oh Camz" I said to myself.

I started sobbing. I cried as hard and as loud as a could. I was screaming in my car. I couldn't control my emotions.

"Why do I have to feel this way!! It's not fair on me or her!! God." I cried.

I sat in my car crying for about half an hour. After I calmed myself down, I wiped away my tears and drove off. I wonder what Camz was doing right now....


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