"I love you too."

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Lauren POV:

I don't understand why everybody is pushing me to go to this concert with Shawn... I mean he not the first person I wanna see these days.

"Ready to go?" Ty asked me. I was at Ty's house because I left my straighter here.

"Ready. I just don't get why non of you are telling me what concert I'm going to." I complain to the dread locked man.

"Oh that'll ruin the surprise." Ty smiles. He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes.

"It's going to be a great concert." He says smiling and walks away.

I just stand there kinda annoyed about seeing Shawn but also kinda excited. Maybe we can talk about Camila.

'No we can't! Shut up!' I tell myself. At that point there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I call. I know it's Shawn.

"Hey Lauren! Ready to go?" He asked super excited.

"Yea I am." I reply very unenthusiastically.

"Oh it'll be great. Come on let's go." Shawn giggles.

Before I have a chance to back out, we are already on our way.


With Camila

"Hey guys." Camila greeted the fifth harmony girls and Taylor who turned up to see her 'perform.'

"Hey Mila. Good luck today!" Ally verbalised to Camila smiling super huge.

"Guys. I'm gonna do something on stage. Don't hate me. And try to hold off Rodger and them." Camila told the girls. They all looked confused and nervous hoping this doesn't wreck their plan.

"Uhh sure CheeChee. Whatever you say." Dinah agrees warily.

"Hey guys let's get drinks before the fangirls take over." Taylor announces trying to signal the girls.

"Right good idea. Let's go. We will see you in there Mila. You will be great!" Normani answered before joining the other girls out the door.

"Guys! Does anyone know what she's gonna do?" Ally expresses worriedly.

"No. It's not like she's gonna hang herself in front of the crowd." Taylor replied. They all looked at her.

"Um.... thats a new one... and um... colourful." Normani mumbles.

"Anyways lets go over the plan to see if anything could ruin it by what she's going to do on stage." Taylor suggests.

"Yes. So after Lauren has watched Camila perform, she will see how beautiful she is and they will meet up back stage and chat and talk and admit feelings." Ally explained. "Pretty simple." After going through the plan one more time Dinah and Normani exchanged uncertain glances.

"Good. Now let's go get drinks. I actually want one." Taylor points out and walks off with Ally. Dinah pulls back Normani.

"This is so not gonna be simple. What if Lauren doesn't even watch perform? What if we ruin everything?!" She informed Normani.

"Yea this is going to be terrible. But let's just see what happens. Maybe it'll work in our favour." Normani commented.

"You're right. Let's go get drinks." A still uncertain Dinah agrees. "This has t work." She mumbles to herself.

"It has to."

Lauren POV:

It was a silent ride to the concert.

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