"Why Lauren?..."

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Going back to when Lauren first left Dinah and walked into Ty's house...

Lauren POV:

I walked into Ty's house to be greeted by Both him and Jailynn. I looked at them with teary eyes.

"Laur? How did it go?" Ty asked nervously. I just draped myself onto him crying my eyes out.
Ty stumbled over to the couch and put me down.

"Lauren what happened?" Jailynn questioned me. I just shook my head.

"Laur. Was this about seeing Camila today?" Ty inquired. Jailynn looked shocked at her father.

"You what!? You went to see Camila? Why am I the last to hear about this?!" She exclaimed.

"Yes. I went to see Camila. And she thought it was a dream. She still does." I began. "And when I had to leave I just said "I love you Camz". How could I do that? She doesn't love me!" I screamed. Jailynn hugged me.

"What did you guys talk about?" She asked nervously. I stayed quiet trying to remember.

"We talked about...... we talked about um.... how I was sorry I shut her out. And she said it was her fault. And....." I stopped. I looked up in realisation.

"What? What is it?" Ty asked.

"If I just told you, We could still be us." I Mumbled. Ty and Jailynn were staring at each other confused.

"Huh?" "She said that. It's the last thing she said before we were interrupted by Dinah. "If I just told you, We could still be us." That's what she said." I explained.

"What does that mean?" Jailynn questioned me.

"I don't know." I replied.

"I have to see her. I just... I don't know." I said. Jailynn was now looking at her phone with a frown on her face. She looked at me sympathetically.

"What?" I asked worried.

"Camila. She's.... she... she's dating Shawn." Jailynn muttered slowly. She showed me her news feed.

"Shawmila has risen"
"Shawn comforts Camila at hospital"
"Screw all you Camren shippers! Shawmila is real!"
"Shawmila at hospital"
"Uprising couple Shawmila"
"Shawmila confirmed!"

"This can't be true. She never mentioned anything about... this can't... I can't..." I was speechless. I got off the couch and walked out.

"Wait Laurs!" Ty yelled after me. I was already out the door and walking down the street. I was crying even harder.

"LAUREN!" A voice screamed. I jumped. I turned around and found a big black car. It stopped next to me and someone rolled down the window. It was a blondish brown haired girl. Dinah.

"Lauren get in." She said. Another window rolled down in the back.

"Come one Laurs we need to talk." A chocolate skinned girl insisted. Normani. Ally was next to her.

"No! I just... I need to be alone."

"Come on Lauren. You really think you crying isn't gonna stop traffic?" Ally joked.

"Just let me be!" I screamed at the car full of girls and ran down a path off the main road. "Lauren!" Dinah exclaimed after me. I kept running. Running for my life.

I was running for around 10 minutes. I had found a huge empty grass field where locals play football or soccer. I got onto my knees in the middle of the field and screamed as loud as I could.

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