The Story

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Camila POV:

I was sitting in the passenger seat of Shawn's car. It was a silent ride.

"Sorry I made you leave early Shawn." I apologised shyly to Shawn.

"Cami stop apologising! It's fine! The AMAs were getting boring anyways." He smirks.

I just look back at my hands.

"I also wanna know why you have a car at the AMAs. We left in a limo." I say confused looking back at Shawn.

"It's a just in case. I thought something like this would maybe happen." He replied. "Like I didn't expect it or presume but I came prepared just in case it did. And it did. Look at me go!" He continued all giggly. I know he was trying to light up the mood but I just couldn't pretend to be happy. I continued to stare at my hands all the way to my house.


Its been 2 weeks and Camila has either been cooped up in her house or roaming the streets with Shawn on her arm. Neither making her very happy. And people were starting to notice.

Today Camila cancelled her plans to meet up with the rest of the fifth harmony girls and all her other plans for the next month. This worried Dina, who made Ally worry, who worried Normani. They knew they had to do something but they couldn't figure out what.

So they contacted Shawn and Taylor to see if they could do something to get Camila out of her funk.

Camila POV:

I'm sitting on my couch with a bucket of cookies and cream ice cream while watching Supergirl.

"Jesus Lena! Just kiss Kara! I know you wanna!" I yell at the tv.

I roll my eyes when I hear a knock at my door. I snuggle further into my blanket.

"It's open!" I call out getting deeper into the couch. My head was under the covers so I pulled them up just a bit for my eye to see what random I just let into my home.

"Hey Mila." A soothing mans voice announces. It was Shawn.

"Hows it going Cami?" A familiar female voice says. It was Taylor.

I mumble some unknown sounds and go back to eating the delicious icy goodness.

Shawn sits down next to me and rubs my leg. Taylor sits on the arm chair next to me and crosses her arms.

"What's wrong Camila?" Shawn questions me as I continue watching Supergirl.

"Just this. Like how does Lena not know Kara is supergirl. It's so obvious! She's so stupid." I then gasped. "Omg Katie McGrath, you're not stupid! We love you." I say to the tv as if the raven haired girl on the screen can actually hear me.

Shawn rolls his eyes. "Other than that."

"Well I'm also pissed at the fact that we KNOW Lena wants to kiss Kara. Why doesn't she do it! How is Supercorp not cannon? They are gayer than Christmas itself!!" I ramble. I know what he's trying to ask. I'm just tryna avoid that right now.

"I know right it's so annoying. Happens in every tv show. I bet as soon as the ship IS cannon, one of them will die." Shawn agrees and we start complaining about the show together.

Taylor was getting annoyed so she grabbed the remote and turned off the tv. And I groan in annoyance.

"Yes, we get it. Supergirl is bomb and Supercorp is the fricking shit but that's not what we are here to talk about." Taylor says loud and fast. She then softens down and tilts her head.

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