"You did love her..."

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Dinah was on her way to see Camila at the hospital. On her way up to the 3rd floor she spotted Sinu.

Dinah POV:

"Hello Sinu. How's Camila doing?" I asked her.

"She's ok Dinah. She's... I don't know." Sinu replied sadly.

"What's happened? What's wrong?" I questioned her nervously.

"Camila is... she keeps saying she saw Lauren. And you girls were telling her it was a dream. But she doesn't feel like it was. I don't know. Why hasn't Lauren seen her anyway? I never found out what happened." Sinu explained. I just lowered my head.

"We were there the whole time. Lauren never came. I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"Can you just tell me something?"


"Will Camila be ok?" I looked at her. To be honest I didn't know the answer.

"I will try my best to help her through whatever she's going through. I promise." Sinu seemed to be satisfied my response. She then hugged me and left me. I went in the elevator to the 3rd floor.

I walked down the hall and found Camilas room. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard a small voice say inside. I opened the door to find a sobbing Camila on the bed.

"Camila?" I sat myself down next to her and held her hand.

"I'm sorry Dinah. I shouldn't look like this. I just... oh what's the use. I'm dreaming stupid things thinking it's real. I mean of course why would Lauren come to see me. It's my fault. She should hate me." Camila was yelling and I tried to calm her down but there was no use. "I'm sick of this though. I'm sick of crying on everyone I care about. It's not fair on them always having to put things on hold and listen to me cry." She continued.

"How is it your fault Waltz? You said no. You don't love her. She took it wrong and even kicked you out of the hotel room. How is that your fault." I asked confused. Camila stopped crying and stared at me.

"Wait. How do you know what happened?" She questioned me. I stood there blankly.

"Fuck" I thought in my head. "I um... Lauren told me. She told me what happened. The other girls know too." I replied nervously.


"Can I just ask... why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Because... because it was more what she did that night. I didn't want to make you see her differently. It wasn't my story to tell." Camila responded shyly.

"It sorta is your story too Waltz."

"I know. I just. Left it to her to tell people because it's more about what she did than me I guess."

We sat there is silence for a while. I had a burning question that I wanted to ask and get a true answer but I didn't want to invade privacy. I just followed my gut and tried to get the question across. Maybe she will tell me like that.

"Can't believe Shawn is gay. Like it's not obvious but it's not well hidden either. It's good that you're being his PR girlfriend. Better than some random." Camila looked away and went quiet. She just nodded.

"I never asked about how you were after Matthew. Are you ok?"

"Yea I'm fine. Uhhh. Another PR relationship. I didn't really like him." She replied quietly.

"Then why were you his beard?" I asked getting confused.

"Management." That made sense. She looked away from me again and started to play with her fingers. I couldn't help myself I had to say what was on my mind.

"What aren't you telling me Waltz? This is a sensitive subject for you. I can tell. Why? Does your mum know?" I quickly spat out. Camila made eye contact with me.

"No she doesn't. And I'm telling you everything." She stated.

"Okay. Thank god. Kinda getting sick of all the secrets." She looked away. I could see her eyes were filling with tears again.

"Camila? What is it." I asked rubbing her arm.

"God. I'm gay Dinah! I'm gay! Ok! Matthew is Gay. We were each other's beard. I hated it! Now me and Shawn are each other's PR. It's not as bad at Matthew. Jesus." She screamed out. She put her head in her hands.

I sat there shocked. I was speechless. I couldn't move. We sat there in silence for a while. I finally got the courage to speak.

"Why didn't you tell anyone? Who knows?" I asked. I had a heap of questions now but I didn't want to pry.

"Roger. Kirk. Todd. Sofia. Taylor. Shawn." Camila replied. I was shocked. She hadn't told her mum yet but she told Taylor and her sister?

"Why not your mom."

"I don't know. It's not the right time. Taylor found out because I yelled it at her once. During my time with Matthew. I told Shawn a week after he came out to me. I told my sister because I was sobbing in my room once and she comforted me. And I screamed it at my management. After what happened with Lauren. It didn't go very well. I was so mad and angry with myself. I just like-" I cut Camila off.

"Wait. Why were you mad at yourself?" I asked confused. Camila looked down at her hands again.

"I um... I lost my chance. With um..." she stuttered. I didn't get it.

"I lied to her Dinah. I told Lauren I didn't love her but the truth is..."

"You did love her." I put two and two together.

"Do. I do love her. But I blew my chance. Made things bad. And then I was going to tell her. I was going to come clean. But then I yelled at Roger and that. So that happened. And because they didn't want it to happen, they offered me a solo position. And because Lauren had moved on with Lucy and was ignoring me. I took it. Hoping it would give her time to cool off and become friends again. I also needed to cool off because I said I didn't love her. I needed to get over her too the way she got over me. I guess... does what I say make sense? I feel like I'm babbling on and not making sense..." Camila tried to explain.

"Yea you are making sense. Is that why you left the group?" I questioned the brunette.

"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. You have every right to be mad at me now. I know we are supposed to tell each other everything and I just-"

"hey hey hey. Back up. I'm not mad at you. This is a huge thing. I understand you weren't ready. But you could have told me something. I felt like you were shutting me out. I could have helped you. You didn't have to be scared." I stated trying to comfort the Cuban girl.

"I know. I know. I'm sorry. I just wasn't ready to feel it let alone talk about it. I don't know it was just hard." The brunette expressed still fidgeting with her fingers. She was so sad. I could tell. Her heart was so broken and she was beating herself up over it. I had no idea what to say or do to make her feel better. I just sat there rubbing her arms and hugging her as she cried into my shoulder.

"Is this what you wanted to talk about when you got into the crash?" I asked quietly. She just nodded and continued to sob.

I was now crying because of how sad she was. And there was nothing I could do to fix it except wait for Lauren and Camila to figure it out.
Camila does love Lauren. And Lauren does love Camila. How are they gonna sort this out?....


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