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A few days later Camila texted Dinah.

Over text:
Camila: "Cheechee. Can I come over. I need to talk..."
Dinah: "Yea Chancho. Of course."
Camila: "thank you. I'll be at your house in 5."

Camila was driving to Dinah's house when "All Night" by Lauren Jauregui came on the radio and she froze.

Camila POV:

"Man. She can sing..." Camila muttered. "Her voice has gotten more beautiful and powerful."

I was listening to the song when a truck swerved into my lane from the other side of the road. I couldn't get out of the way fast enough. All I saw was the trucks bumper before it barged into me...


A few hours had past since the crash. Camila has been admitted to hospital. She was unconscious when she was found... The brunette woke up to Normani, Ally, and Dinah sitting on her bed... they all saw her waking up and smiled.

Camila POV:

"Hey Waltz..." Dinah said happily. "You're awake!"

"Hey Mila. How are you?" Ally asked.

"Are you ok, Camila?" Normani questioned. I looked around the room and was confused.

"Where am I?"

"You're in hospital..."

"what happened?" I queried, rubbing my head.

"You were in a car crash Waltz. You hit a truck. Well, it hit you. And you were unconscious when the truck driver pulled you out of your car... you broke 3 ribs, your right arm, left knee and left foot." Dinah explained.

"Omg is the driver ok?" I asked quickly trying to up.

"No, No, no, no, no! Camila lay back down. Don't get up. You're not in a good state." The girls helped me lie back down.

"Relax Camila. He's fine. He took full responsibility for the crash." Ally said.

"Why did he crash into me? Was he drunk?"

"He was tired and swerved into your lane. That's all we know." Normani stated. "And um Mila your car... exploded. It's gone. There's nothing left except burnt metal."

"Oh. That's ok. Did the truck driver pull me out?" I asked.


"Then I want to thank him in person for not letting me burn to death."

"Ok. Someone will fetch him later. Right now Waltz, You need to rest." Dinah said soothingly.

I nodded. Then I looked around. "Where's Lauren?" I asked. The girls froze and looked at each other.

"She couldn't make it Mila. But don't worry. We will be here the whole time. We got you." Ally explained sadly. My heart sank. She probably didn't want to see me. I felt tears fill up my eyes. I looked away from them all.

"Hey Camila. It's ok." Normani comforted me.

"I just don't.... never mind. She probably doesn't want to see me." I sighed.

"No Waltz. Her management said no. We argued with ours and were allowed to come. But she can't. I'm sorry Waltz." Dinah explained.

"It's ok. Not your fault. Not Lolos either..." I muttered wiping away tears.

"We are here Camila. We are staying." Normani reassured me.

"Thank you guys. I love you guys." I smiled.

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