"Let's Play Cupid."

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"So what's the deal, dude?" Dinah wondered. Taylor, Shawn, Dinah, Ally and Normani (except Lauren and Camila) were sitting around the coffee table of Dinah Jane's lounge room.

"We need to get Lauren and Camila together." Shawn answered the Polynesian-American's question. Normani, Ally and Dinah burst into laughter.

"No shit Sherlock. But how the hell we gonna do that? They don't even talk to each other." Dinah huffs out while laughing. "Well other than in a so called dream."

"Camila's hurting. She's not the problem. She will see Lauren. It's Lauren who won't talk to her." Taylor explains.

"Well she did throw a shoe at her and kick her out of the hotel room for her to fend for herself." Shawn says calmly.

The girls stare at him. "Okay who told?" Ally asked slightly annoyed.

"Camila." Shawn answered. "We know everything."

"Yes. Anyways, anyone got any ideas? We need to think soon. I hate to say it but Camila, she... she doesn't seem like she's got long before she breaks completely and forgets who she is and becomes a robot." Taylor expressed with worry in her voice.

"She's that bad aye?" Normani sighed.

"She's definitely not good..." Shawn answered her.

Ally was thinking long and hard and Taylor noticed.

"Ally? Got something to share with the class?" She asked the smaller girl.

"It's just... when's Camila's next show?" Ally responded, frowning.

"Next Saturday, why?" Normani answered.

Ally stayed quiet, thinking long and hard. Then Dinah caught on.

"Oh my god Ally you're a genius!" The Polynesian exclaimed.

"Right! I mean it could work right?" Ally agrees

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" Taylor inquired, super confused.

"Holy shit. That might work Ally!" Normani also caught on. Shawn was next.

"Yes! I think we found our plan!" He giggled.

"Okay I'm lost, someone explain why you are all suddenly telepathic." Taylor yelled trying to get someone to tell her what the hell they were all on about.

"Okay so...."

Ally explained the plan to Taylor and it seemed like it was the best idea yet to the blonde.

"Shit. Welp. Let's play Cubid!" Taylor jokes clapping her hands together ready to plan.

It's been a week and Shawn has convinced Lauren to go to a "concert" with him. Ty helped a little too. Pushing the idea along and hyping it up so Lauren would want to go. This was their one chance to get it right. To get Camren back together. They weren't gonna waste it.....


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