"We are sisters Lauren..."

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Over text:
Lauren: "hey DJ, can I come over. I need to talk."
Dinah: "Yea to Lauser. Is everything ok?"
Lauren: "I could use your shoulder..."
Dinah: "bish come over and spill the tea now."

About half an hour later, Lauren was in front of Dinah's house. She got out of the car and knocked on the door.
"It's open!!" Dinah yelled from inside. Lauren opened the door and walked inside to be greeted by a tall, blonde, brown eyed girl. Dinah Jane Hansen.

Lauren POV:

"Hey Laurs. Are you ok?" Dinah asked welcoming me in with a hug. I just threw myself on her, sobbing into her shoulder.

"Oh my... ok Lauren come on. Let's go to the couch." Dinah said soothingly trying to move under my weight. We sat on the couch and she watched me cry.

"Lauren, what's up? Who do I need to kill?..." she asked again.

I smiled. "Seriously Lauren, you wanna see my plan? I've already got the weapon and alibi and shit all sorted out. I just need the name and face." She joked.

"Very funny D." I smiled faintly then I continued to cry.

"Hey Lauren. Please tell me what's up." She said.

"I called her Camz..." I blurted out.

"What?" Dinah asked confused.

"I called... I called Camila Camz. I haven't done that in ages. It hit a sore spot. I called her Camz!" I continued. My words were spilling over each other because I was crying so much.

"Wow. Why did you call her it? What bought it on?" Dinah asked trying to process what I was saying.

"I took Jailynn out shopping. And when I got back people where tagging me in PR shit. Like yea it is PR but it's so annoying. Like these are full on kids!! They better than the fucking FBI! I lost my shit and Ty and Jailynn tried to calm me down I said 'I know it's not my fault and I know it isn't Camz's fault either.' They pulled me up on it. And all I wanted to do was cry. Afterwards I drove away and pulled into an empty street and cried my eyes out while screaming in my car. And then I came here..." I explained trying to fit all the information in. "I don't know what came over me. I can't do this anymore. It's not fair on me or her. Why is this so painful. Why don't I just do everyone a favour and-" Dinah cut me off

"whoa whoa whoa. Calm down. Lauren. Don't even finish that sentence. Don't say shit like that. I know this is hard on you. But don't even think about killing yourself. Do you know how much that would kill us all? Even Camila. She would die. She loves you Lauren. Maybe not in the way you want but she does. I can tell you that. Don't ever have thought of killing yourself. And if you do, call me. Even if it's midnight. I don't care. Come over. Do whatever you need. Just don't beat yourself up over this. Ok." She said trying to calm me down. "Laur, we all love you. Why don't you just talk to her. I don't get how everything just changed." She continued. I haven't really told anyone what really happened between me and Camila. Just that we split up in a not so healthy way. Even Dinah doesn't know. Maybe she does. Maybe Camila told her. I don't know.

"I changed, Dinah." I said sadly.

"What do you mean." Dinah asked confused. I didn't answer. "Lauren? You can't just leave me hanging like that!" She said concerned. "What do you mean you changed?" She asked again. More worried. I remained quiet. "Lauren!" She yelled.

"I told her! She shut me down! She said she didn't love me like that. I got embarrassed. She didn't want anything to change between us. But I made it change. I went quiet. Excluded her. Went awkward. I'm the reason she left fifth harmony!!" I finally responded. I couldn't stop myself now. It was coming out like word vomit.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Hold up. What do you mean you're the reason she left?" Dinah questioned. I looked at her then looked away. "Lauren. You can tell me. I won't tell anyone. Come on Lo. It's me. Dinah. Good old DJ. What happened to Laurinah?" She complained.

"You want me to tell you the WHOLE story?" I asked.

"Your side of it." Dinah replied.

"My side? What do you mean by that." I asked confused and a little suspicious.

"Just spill ok." Dinah responded quickly. I looked at her with a suspicious face. Then continued.

"Ok. So...."


I told Dinah everything. It took a while. I was struggling to get the words out. Dinah made a few facial expressions that made me question whether she was angry, sad or confused.

"So that is what happened. Now Do you see why this is my fault?" I asked.

Dinah tried to wrap her head around the situation. She sat there quietly, not looking at me for a few minutes.

"Dinah please say something." I muttered sadly. She didn't answer. I lowered my head in my hands.

"So.... that is what happened? Your side of the story." Dinah finally spoke up.

"Yes. Why do you keep saying "my side"? Has Camila told you anything?!" I asked worried and annoyed.

"What! No! It's just you both have different side of the story." Dinah responded quickly.

"Ok... Well how is she doing anyway?" I asked shyly. "She's doing ok... look Lauren why don't you talk to her. She misses you heaps. Like I know you just told me the whole ily story but it still doesn't mean you have to shut her out completely..." Dinah said. "You are the only 5H member who hasn't remained friends with her. Even though all our managers and labels tell us we can't see each other especially Camila, we all do. We are sisters Lauren. You know that." She continued...

"I know. I just can't. Not yet..." I said. "I will. Eventually. I will have to sort it out. It's not fair on her. So I will. Just not yet..." I added. Dinah rubbed my arm.

"I'm here for you Lausers. Promise."

"Thanks Dinah." I said.

"Oh Lauren bring it in." She pulled me in for a hug.

"Thanks DJ. You're the best." I said wiping my tears away.

"We are sisters Lauren." Was going through my head.

I will always be sisters with my girls from fifth harmony. I just wished more from one of them.

Then it hit me; I wonder what is Camila's side of the story...


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