"It was just a dream...."

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Dinah and Lauren has snuck into the hospital by going through the back exit. They had Lauren covered in sunglasses, a poncho and a huge hat. As far as they could tell, nobody had noticed.

They finally got to outside Camila's hospital room on the 3rd floor after having to act as normal as possible when someone walked past them. It took a while. Dinah and Lauren met Normani and Ally outside the room.

Lauren POV:

"Ok so we will look out as you go in." Ally said.

"Man this feels like I'm part of mission impossible or something. Thanks guys." I thanked them.

"I'm glad you're trying to sort this out Lauren." Normani said rubbing my shoulder. I smiled at them and then walked into Camilas room.

While I was walking in a heard a whisper "camren" come from behind me. I ignored it.

I walked inside of Camilas room and saw a sleeping brunette covered in casts on a hospital bed. Even in this state she still looked so beautiful. I stood gazing at her for a minute or so, Then walked over to the side of her bed. I sat down.

I moved some of the hair that was covering her face to behind her ear. She was so warm to touch when my hand grazed over her ear.

I heard her sigh. I smiled. I missed this.

I sat there watching her sleep for a bit before she opened her eyes. My heart jolted. Her eyes had gotten more beautiful. That brown soft look was all I could see. Camila jumped when she saw me. My heart was pounding.

"Lauren?" She murmured.

"Yes Camz. It's me." I whispered smiling. Camila poked my arm with her finger.

"Are you real? Am I dreaming?" She asked. I had to go along with the plan. I wanted to say "no you're not. I'm here. This isn't a dream." But instead I said

"sorry Camz. Yes you're dreaming. But I'm here in Your dream. And the real Lauren really wants to be here." It sounded like something you would say to a toddler when their father didn't come home.

"Oh. Well. I missed you anyway Lauren." She held me hand.

I couldn't control myself anymore. I went in for a hug. I hugged her so tightly.

She lied there frozen for a second then tried to hug me back. It was really difficult when she has casts and stuff on her. She sighed into my neck.

I could tell she was happy. I was happy.

I let her go and sat up straight looking into her eyes.

"Ouch!" Camila suddenly winced in pain. I jumped up.

"What's wrong?!" I asked worriedly. She just looked up at me with a small smile. "Nothing I just- just pinched myself." I stared at her confused.

"Um... why? Aren't you in enough pain?" I asked confused.

"Well, I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. And I don't think I am." She responded shyly. I sighed. I had to go along with my plan. I looked away from her.

"Camz. It's a- it's a dream. I promise." I mumbled. She looked at her hands. Then back at me. She was tearing up. And so was I.

"I'm so sorry Camz. I didn't mean to shut you out. It wasn't your fault that you don't-" she cut me off.

"No I'm sorry Lauren. I shouldn't have been so scared. This could all have been different. And it's my fault." She said tears coming down her face. "No Camzi it's not." I expressed. I wiped one of her tears away. She caved into my hand.

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