AMAs 2018

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4 months later....

Camila has been released from hospital and up and striving. #shawmila had been "confirmed" and #tyren was still going strong with the PR. Shawn and Camila has done interviews, etc. together.

Camila and Lauren were getting more depressed by the day but acted happy. Only Taylor, Shawn and now Dinah knows about how Camila loves Lauren. And all Dinah wanted to do was say to Camila that Lauren still loved her or something. It was hard. But everyone was pushing through.

It was the 8th of October; the day before the AMAs 2018. And Camila was getting ready for the soon approaching next day. She was invited to sing 'Consequences' on stage at the AMAs and was nominated for many awards. She was happy about singing and all but she was extremely excited to see Lauren in real life for the first time in roughly 1 and a half years.

Camila was trying on her outfit in her room when someone knocked at the door.

"Come in!" She yelled. The door opened and Dinah walked in.

Dinah POV:
I walked into Camilas room. She was trying on her outfit for the next days event.

"Hey DJ. How are things?" She greeted me.

"They are good. How are you Waltz?" She just looked at me through the mirror and smiled.

"I'm managing." She quietly said. I smiled slightly. "You excited? You're nominated for heaps of awards. Good job girl!" I said hugging the shorter girl.

"Thanks D. How are the others?" Camila asked.

"Everyone is good."

"How's Lauren?" The room went tense.

I knew full well that Lauren was doing the opposite of well. She was all quiet and grim. And looked so depressed and never wanted to do anything. It was tough. All I wanted to do was tell Camila to fight for Lauren because she still loves her. And I wanted to tell Lauren that Camila loved her all this time and is dying without her.

But it wasn't my story to tell. So I kept my mouth shut.

"She's doing well." I lied not looking at Camila. I was looking anywhere but Camila's face. I noticed Camilas bright laptop screen. She had paused @californialuv84 recent Camren YouTube Video. Camila noticed what I was looking at and went to shut the Computer.

"Please don't comment." She sighed.

"I wasn't gonna. Are you worried to see her tomorrow?" I quickly questioned the brunette. Camila faced away from me. I was eyeing her. She started fidgeting with her fingers out of habit.

"Well... I don't know. I'm sorta excited. She's gonna watch me sing. I might see her. I don't know." She responded after a bit.

"Is Shawn taking you?"

"Yes. I mean we have to prove Shawmila is real. He has to take me places." Camila confirmed. I just nodded.

"I hope you have fun. Even if- never mind. Just have fun." I said smiling. I knew Camila was still struggling. And I couldn't help her. I just had to sit and watch.
I said goodbye and left.
I was going to see Lauren now....

Camila watched as Dinah left the room and then went to her computer. She pressed play and continued to watch the Camren crack video. She sighed and started to tear up.

"Does she miss me?" She asked herself quietly. The brunette put her head in her hands. "Of course she doesn't. And it's all my fault." She sulked into her hands and started to cry.

On the other side of town was Lauren Jauregui. Getting ready for the next day too. She stood in front of the mirror whilst trying on her dress. Mumbling things to herself.
Dinah walked into Lauren's room.

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