Chapter Six

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My phone beeps at 5:30am, its my alarm for my work out routine. I lazily walk to the bathroom, I pick my tooth brush and paste, brushing my teeth facing the mirror, I feel a sharp pain on my waist. " oh Jesus what on earth did I do to have this pain on my waist" I question myself as I rinse my mouth. I quickly remember I fell while doing something on the  field.

The figure of that guy pops in my head and I smile stupidly at my reflection on the mirror. I wash my face and walk back to my room. I put on a bra and a tank top, thinking about a short or tracks to put on, I go for a white basketball short and I smile remembering I snatched it from Tristan and it automatically became mine.
I take out my head phone playing music, I run out of the house, I jog to the field, then round the field. Just as I'm about stretching and doing some flips Tristan taught me, I find a tall brown skinned boy, starring at me, he's with a fair boy, who's busy throwing flips. Mark is another beautiful figure, he's as tall as Tristan who makes me feel short even though I'm 5'9 feet. He's walking towards me and I'm trying to keep a straight face, I'm betrayed when I'm  smiling at him as he takes each step closer to where I am.. "Hey Brenda" he tells me opening his arms for a hug. That's a little bit weird for me but I give in, taking in the vanilla and minty fragrance from his black shirt or his body I guess. "Hi Mark" I shyly respond. "What're you doing here" he rubs his palms together. " I came to work out and perfect my flips " I tell him fidgeting with my fingers. "Wow, you do flips and I do  that with my friends too" he says with amused expression. "Yea but like I said I'm trying to perfect my flips" I tell  him looking at Kelvin, who seemed to just arrive, shaking hands with a guy flipping. Mark follows my eyes and looks back. He tells me to follow him and I don't hesitate. That's unlike me, I was going to argue on why I have to follow him, but I'm walking with his grip on my wrist.
We get to a building and I notice a small signboard which reads *Gym*. "Why are we here" I ask him before I realize I said something. " Let's use the equipments here" he stammers. "I don't have a card yet and I'll get kicked out if...." He interrupts me "uh.. Oh.. I thought.. Well okay let's sit outside" he stammers again. I'm kind of confused if he's a stammerer  or he's nervous talking to me.. "Why" I question again.. "Let's just talk, you know last time we didn't really talk, even on phone we haven't spoken much" he's gazing at me with serious eyes and I can't predict what its going to be.
"Okay, fine I'm here, what are we gonna talk about" I anxiously  ask. "About us" he says hastily, noticing my confused expression, he explains further "I mean let's get to know each other better".

After talking for about an hour he holds my hand and I jerk a little that he notices and holds me tighter. " why" I blurt out again. What's wrong with my brain this morning I ask myself. "I don't know" he puts on a timid expression. And for a moment I think he's hiding something. "I ..I do like you Brenda" he answers my thought. "What, why, how" I blurt out again.  "Since the first day I saw you, I just thought about you a  lot, little did I know I'd meet you here, I was gonna call you as soon as I was done with my sessions here" he answers and I swear I feel butterflies dancing in my stomach but I can't come to agree to the words he just said. "You thought about me ?" I hear myself asking him again. "Yes Brenda, I'm sorry this is a little too early to say but I can't deny that I'm Brenda" his stammering makes me aware of his nervousness. "I like you too but..." He interrupts again " but what Brenda, let it out please, I really do love you". "Mark you don't really know me, okay?? We...." For the third time in two minutes he interrupts again " we just got to know each other and I'm okay with that Brenda, give me a chance" Holy heavens, what am I to say this is like our second meeting and he's already feeling like this. I don't know but there's something wrong somewhere, he can't possibly be in love with me. "I have to go Mark, I'll talk to  you later" before I realize what I'm doing, I stand and run out on him. Running back home like I'm being chased.

(To be continued, I love you so much, don't forget to vote and share, you can comment what you think is gonna happen)

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