Chapter Fifteen

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Brenda's POV
My phone beeps while I'm in maths class, I check it to see a text from Lucia.
Lucia: hey there sugar
Brenda: hi mom😀. Daughter has missed you a lot.
Lucia: I miss you too baby. I've really been busy lately. I heard you now live in Washington and close to my family again.
Brenda: yeah yeah. It's great to reunite with mom again😉
Lucia: yes baby. I'll come home for the weekend. Hope you'd be home
Brenda: sure sure. Weekend
Lucia: good then. I got back to back classes today. Talk to you later baby be good huh😉
Brenda: alright mom and you. I love you 😘

Can't wait till weekend. Well two days till it's Friday.
"Hey Miss" my hot maths teacher hits my desks. "Sir" I whisper. "Can I get your phone" he stretches his hand out. "Please sir, I won't use it in class again. I totally......" I begin when the bells goes, its break time. "You all may have a nice day" he tells the other students. "You stay back" his eyes not leaving mine. "Alright" I answer, placing my hand on my laps.
"Brenda..... Miguel" he rubs his chin. "Yes sir" I squeak. "How're you" he tilts his head dramatically and smiles at me.. "Fine...fine. Thank you" I nervously reply. "Nope, you failed my test last week" he tells me pulling out a chair close to me. "Why, what happened" he sits, tapping my desk. "Uh..I..don't...I don't know" I stutter. "Listen, I'm your maths teacher and if you don't understand a topic, call my attention, I don't want any of my students to fail my subject, it's gonna be a huge problem on my part, not being able to bring out good results from students" he raises his eye brows. "Yes sir" I fidget with my fingers.

"Brenda" he holds my hands. I jerk a bit, looking up to him. "You don't associate with students" he tells me. " that..I don't know how they're going to treat me." i honestly reply. "Listen dear, if you're scared of them, picking on you, you won't be able to  survive here. You just need to socialize. I've also seen you at the cafeteria, sitting alone. Don't you feel bored" he's getting the point. I get hella bored but I don't know. Maybe I have to welcome the friendly Brenda.
"I get bored, I don't want to annoy anyone by trying to mix with them.. If they don't talk to me, I don't think I'd be able to socialize." I look into his eyes, for the first time since we started talking.
"Brenda, Cameron, Oscar, uh Regina and um Tonia are blacks but you see them with the rest of the students, don't you?" He asks , but I have no idea who they are, I've seen black students though. "Don't let racism or the mindset ruin your highschool life. This should be one of your best sessions before you get to final class. Well about your maths, I can fix extra hours for you. I'll tutor you and its free. Are you interested" he folds his arms, raising a brow. "Yea, but I'll have to inform my mum that I won't be home by 3pm anymore" I smile. "Good then, we can start tomorrow, I guess" he tells me, getting up. "Yes sir, thank you" I pack my bag. "And please, don't bore yourself to death. Mix up, the student here are nice okay?" He winks at me tapping my shoulder. "Sure" I reply. "Enjoy your day" he leaves the classroom.

After lectures, I sit back in class, starring blankly at the white board. My dream pops in my head and I'm still trying to figure out the scene. Well I can't possibly understand. "Speaking of the devil" I see Kelvin's text.

"Brenda please forgive me, even if you're going to hate me, just forgive me. I'm so sorry to hurt you. I planned explaining to you because I knew Mark was gonna say that to hurt you and make me a bad figure. Please I'm so sorry and to be very honest I  love you. I fell in love with you not because of a bet. I've been so scared to call, Please text back. Thank you"

I leave the class, walking to  the car park. He's so sick, how does he think I'd believe his lies again.

"Hey there beautiful" someone calls out. "Holy mother of Jesus " I exclaim.  "What on earth are you doing here I know you're not in highschool anymore" I ask Mark who is walking towards me. He laughs and hugs me. I return the hug of course. "Wanted to surprise you" he laughs again. "Mark you've been  stalking. I didn't tell you I school here." I pout. "Well you forgot you had your school's sweat shirt on a couch the other day" he laughs again.
"Omg. Whatever. Okay stop laughing. Do you know you're an angel?" I giggle. "Angel" he has a confused expression and I love him looking  this way. I quickly pull out my phone, taking a picture of him. "What the fuck, you just took my picture, gimme the phone" he looks like his angry but then he starts laughing. "You're insane. Well I'll send it to you later. And yeah, you're an angel. You came here when I thought of walking a long distance home." I hold his hand as we walk to his car. "Why did you want to walk all the way to your house" he looks at me. "Because I missed my bus" I laugh at myself, he joins me, unlocking the car, he opens the passenger door and closes it when I'm in. His car smells like him. I'm tripping. "Really, what were you doing after  class, or were you with a guy" he sounds jealous. "Hell no, I was thinking..." I begin, "About me I guess" he winks at me starting the engine. "Nope, not exactly.. About Kelvin" I think I should learn to keep things to myself. Nope he promised to be honest, and I want to trust him. "Kelvin" he repeats with disgust clear in his voice. "What did he tell you" he asks taking a glance at me at each  word. "I had a dream and today he texted after class. I didn't know whether or not to reply, besides I have... " I begin and he cuts me short. "Yea don't reply him, or you can just text KK." He taps the steering wheel. " I won't reply " I blurt out. "Perfect" he says.
The drive is silent again until we get close to my house. "Brenda, please be my girl" he tells me pulling up at the church's carpark. "I have to think about it" I let a deep sigh. "Am I rushing you into this" he asks me looking deeply into my eyes. "No, no.. I like you too but I'm scared" I let him know. "Scared of what" he takes my hands. "I'm scared of you hurting me" I turn my face away from his. "I won't hurt you. I'll never  hurt you. I'll always protect you and make sure you're safe with me. I promise" he cups my cheeks and kisses my forehead.
Okay right now I'm as confused as the word confusion. Is this a coincidence or it was meant to happen. He came to pick me when I missed my bus. How did he know I missed my bus? Or did he plan with the driver... Shut the fuck up. How could he when I was the one wasting my time, thinking of...
"What are you thinking about" he startles me, just then I know I've not paid attention to his last words.

Okay, I'll take a break here so it won't get too long.
Thanks for reading 💕🙏💕

I won't be updating till whenever I get more readers or reads.. Bear with me my active lovely readers.. I love you and please share 💕💕
You can send me a direct message @jossiezoe

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