Chapter Twenty-one

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"We are having dinner tonight, Lucia will be here" I tell Tristan excitedly.

He spits his water back into his cup. "What? Lucia? Adamson from Seattle?"

"Yea, what?" I ask a little bit confused.

"What's she doing here" he asks me pouring the water into the sink.
"She stays few blocks away, you know they moved here before we did and we happened to live close again"
I stick my tongue and he frowns at me
"Ugh.. Well I don't know. I don't want to see her" he spits.
"Why? I know she turned you down on your prom night but trust me she has been crushing on you, she was nervous and wanted you both to take things slow"
I explain, dramatically.
"Really, well she would have... I don't.. Hmm.. Okay.." He doesn't look at me but messes his hair.
He's nervous I know..
"It's gonna be fine okay?" I pat his  shoulder.
"Why'd you behave like mom" he chuckles pulling me in for a hug.

Mum made mashed potatoes and vegetable sauce, with some cup cakes.
I envy her cooking skills.

The door bell goes.. It's Lucia.
"Welcome momma" I giggle.
"Your mum's gonna get jealous if you call me that" she laughs and her smile fades, I turn around to see Tristan.
"Hi" Tristan smiles nervously.
"Hey Tris" Lucia smiles fidgeting with her fingers.
"Easy momma" I whisper, winking at her. I take her hand pulling her close to Tris, she tries pulling away but she's already standing just a foot from him. I walk past him and whisper "hug it out" to him.
He pulls her close and hugs her. They don't pull out for seconds.
"Hm hm" I clear my throat and she leaves him.

"Your dad won't be home soon, there's traffic, so we have to eat now" my mum announces.

Tristan seats beside Lucia.
I wish Mark was here too.

After dinner, I clear the table with mum, leaving the two to talk.

I come out of the kitchen and they're aren't in the parlour.
"Hmmmm, for real" I walk to Tristan's door and hear voices. They're talking.
I guess I have to be in the parlour just in case she's leaving.
Watching wrestling when they both come down.
"Hi guys" I smile widely.
"I'll be going now" Lucia tells me.
"Did you both kiss" I ask scrunching my nose and raising a brow.
"Brenda" Tris calls out
"What? I don't remember you having purple lipstick before you two went upstairs" I explain
"Gross" Lucia spits playfully.
"Let me walk you out" I offer
"No I got this" Tristan replies and I was expecting that.
"Okay, bye momma" I whisper.
"Good night" she winks.

I pick my phone to call Mark but it goes straight to his voicemail.. It seems he switched off his phone.

I should probably send a voicemail. He'd get back to me when he listens to it.

Hey Daddy, I've missed you, I know it's not up to three days though  call me or text me as soon as you hear this, I love you babe.

I lay on my bed smiling at my ceiling.

Mark's POV

I see Brenda's call but I abort it immediately. I get a voicemail. I don't listen to it but switch off my phone.
"Why did you do that" Stephanie asks me.
"Nothing important, come here" I pull her to me, kissing her. She pushes me off, snatching my phone from the bedside table.
"Give it back" I yell
"Are you seeing someone else" she puts on the phone.
"No I'm not, its just you. Can I get my phone back" I try taking it but she takes her hand away, opening the voicemail. She puts it on loud speaker and I'm busted.

"Who the hell is Brenda" she asks me furiously. I know how this is but I don't know what to say.

"Is she also in WSU,  is she the most recent?? Will you speak up" she scolds me getting off the bed.

"Brenda is my friend, we kinda had a thing" I speak so calmly and disgust is clear on her face.

"Oh really, so I'm still a flirt to you now, right? Why did you have sex with me if you have someone else. Why are you doing this to me Mark" she's getting watery eyes and tears roll down her cheeks.

"Please I'm sorry, Stephanie you came here to see me, we had a thing before but not anymore. I you and I really....fuckk.. Just stop crying Steph, I don't like this" I walk to her wiping her tears.

"Stop it Mark, I know how much of a playboy you are, you've hurt a lot of girls and since we had a thing why can't you treat me as such and now you have another damsel you're about to hurt. Why do you even hurt girls"
She tries yelling but her voice goes off and low.

"About other girls, they're the ones who want me to take them down  but I still care about you." I pull her for a hug.

"Care about me?? Really?? Stop the crap. I guess I'm the dumb one here. I'm just hurting myself over and over again thinking you'd change to love me back."she puts on her clothes, tying her hair.

"Steph, to be honest I do love you and if you  think I don't, walk out. Fine i guess I love Brenda she's my girlfriend and I feel horrible for cheating on her." I snap

"You're such a pyscho, I hate you Mark, you didn't feel horrible before the sex right. Your so called girlfriend is the one who's call you aborted and whom you said isn't important. That's how stupid you are. Perv " she flings my phone on my bed as she walks out slamming my door and I jerk a bit.

I didn't do the right thing but Steph has always forced herself on me, she made me date her which was one of the most stupid thing I ever did. .

I better call Brenda. I pick my phone and I almost collapse..

She had dialed Brenda's number and Brenda's still on the line, I hear her soft sobs from the phone.

Steph just killed me. What the fuck did she do..
Should I hang up the phone or apologise now she's sniffles
"I can explain please" I beg
"Good night Mark" she hangs the phone on me.

"Fuck..  No.. Where the hell is that bitch. I run out of the house to find her zooming off my driveway. I would have strangled her right away.. This girl" I hit the wall several times bursting my knuckles.
"Ahhh.. Ughhhh" I pick up a flower vase smashing it on the ground.

"Marrrrkkkk!!! " Mandy yells from inside.

"Shut the fuck up bitch.. Just shut it.. Get lost .." I don't know what has come over me but I feel my eyes blurry and I break down in tears.

"What?  Mark, you're tearing up" Mandy walks to me, holding my arm. She notices the blood dripping from my right hand.
"You hurt yourself, come in let me dress this for you" she tries pulling me into the house..
"I've done a terrible thing" I sniffle.
"Of course, I'm glad you're feeling it" she smirks.
"She found out I cheated and it's all the fault of that dumb ass brat who just left here" I yell again.
"Easy bro. This is one of the challenges you face in a proper relationship, I'm proud to see changes in you. I'm also mad at you but first let's get your wound treated, you'll be fine. Come okay?" She gives me an assuring smile.

(I didn't see that coming though. Thank you for reading, please vote and share 💕💕💕)

I'm really sorry I haven't uploaded since Christmas day...

Happy new year lovies..
Thanks for reading this far..

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