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"I'll feel so damn tired right now. I need to hold my eyes for two hours until class finished. Such a bored class. It's make me wanna sleep more and more," whine Kit.

Beam and Phana burst into laughter when heard Kit's whined. It's already lunch time and they make a move to cafeteria. In cafeteria, they sit in their usual place.

"Can you ordered for me?? I want to eat fish and chip today," Beam asked. He showed his puppy eyes to Phana.

"Stop making that eyes, you idiot!! You're not that cute. It's not my first time I ordered your food," replied Phana.

Beam just laughed while Kit already gone to get his food. Sitting here alone makes Beam suddenly think about Forth.

It's been two week after Forth went to Beam's house. Although he has promised to come but until this day he still didn't showed up. It's not mean that Beam his waiting his presence but you know when you're already promised you shouldn't break it.


A loud smacked sound makes everyone turned their attention to their table. "Auchhhh, you idiot Kitty!! Why did you smacked my head?? It's fucking hurt you know."

"I called your names several times to help me with your food. But you keep daydreaming," Kit said angrily.

"Aww.. Sorry na Ai'Kit. I didn't notice you. Sorry again naa. Please forgive Beam naa."

Phana who just arrived laughed when he saw both of his friends argued over small things. "Enough you two. Our lunch break will end soon."

They eat quietly before Kit breaks the silence. "Have you solve everything with P'Forth??"

Beam sigh. He already tell everything to Kit and Phana especially how they can meet again after 5 years, the marriage proposal, yada yada. "Not yet. He didn't showed up and it's been two weeks since the last time I met here."

"Look's our Beammie is missing his P'Forth," teasing Kit. Suddenly Beam's cheeks turned red when he remembered Forth gives a peck on his forehead.

"What the fuck is going on here that makes your cheeks suddenly turned red??" asked Phana.


"Awww.. Kit. You moron!!" yelled Beam.

Kit smirked. "You deserve that. I think you need to get married quickly with P'Forth. You're shy like a girl who lose virginity."

Phana interrupt. "You need to discuss about this marriage with P'Forth quickly. I know what's he did 5 years ago really break your heart into pieces. But this is your dad wishes. And I think it's time for you also to get along with your mother."

"You already lose your father. Did you want to lose your mother too?? Aunt Layla try her best to make it up with you. She knows her fault and I hope you can consider every words that I told you," added Phana.

Beam began to consider Phana's words just now. He thought "you're right, Pha but I'm not ready yet. But I promised to myself I will fixed it soon."

"Awww.. I almost forgot to asked you this. Have you already your next door neighbor??" Kit asked.

"Why did all of you keep asking the same question?? You, my mother and also Pha stop asking this question, can you?? I didn't want to know who's living there for God's sake!!!" Beam exploded.

Kit and Phana exchange looks. They have the same thought "you're gonna get into trouble P'Forth."

After that, their lunch break is over and they get ready for the next class.


Two weeks since his last meeting with Beam, Phana, Kit and Ming. Yes.. meeting with Phana, Kit and Ming. He's the one who asked them to meet him. To explain everything in detail...



"I'm sorry for being late. There was an accident..."


A punch from Phana makes me stopped from talking. I had to hold my jaws and bloods drip from the corner of my lips. "What's he doing here?? I thought you asked me to hang out with only you and P'Ming. How could you lying to me, Kit??"

Phana glares to Kit. "I'm sorry Pha. I have to lied because I know you never tagged along if I asking you. After all, P'Forth has something to tell us and it also about Beam."

Phana calmed himself after listening Kit's words. His apologize to all of us regarding his act. Everything has back to normal and we start our meeting peacefully.

"Tell us, Forth. We need to know everything from A to Z," said Ming. I tell them everything about what happens when I met Beam for the first time after 5 years. How's our dad wishes who wants us to get married, little argument that occurred between Beam and Aunt Layla that makes his missing for whole day.

Kit, Ming and Phana pay their attention in everything that I told them. "That's all. I know what I did to Beam before this it can't been forgiven. I'm feeling guilty towards Beam and this is the only way can redeem back all my mistakes."

Ming sigh. " I didn't know what to say anymore. Your father's wishes means everything. Both of you need to fulfill it."

Kit added. "But P'.. if you going to married Beam, how about your boyfriend's?? Is he knows??"

I startled when Kit start to mention August's name. Ming pat my shoulder to give me some strength. I try to hold my tears from bursting out. Phana and Kit looking at me suspiciously.

"Actually.. August already dead one year before I back. He's suffered from cancer," I replied.

Kit and Phana feels suprised when they heard that. "Is Beam knows about this."

"Nope. And I hope both of you keep this in secret. I don't want him to accept me because he feels sympathy. IF he feels that way, I guess." I chuckled before added "I hope one day will forgive me."

Ming, Kit and Phana stayed silent. But deep inside their heart they hope Beam and Forth can have their own happy ending. Forth already received his punishment. August's death makes Forth realize that God takes his loved ones to feel sadness like Forth did to Beam.

End flashback

A/N: Chapter 11 is published. The next chapter will quite sad, I guess. Enjoyed your reading!!! Do vote and comments.

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