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It's Friday night!! But I decided to stayed at home even tho Kit and Pha asking me out. I want to get enough rest tonight without any distraction. When I just want to lie down.. the door bell sounds.

I sigh.. pull my hair down and take a deep breath to avoid my anger from bursting out. I thought "I swear to God.. I'm gonna kill whoever that disturbing my free time."

I opened the door and looking at the person who's coming to my house.. P'Forth. I saw him waved at me and sit in his bike. I

"Hi Beam. How are you doing?? I'm sorry for disturbing you."

I thought "glad that you know that idiot.."

"What brings you here?? Did mother send you to spy me again??" I said coldly and glares him.

"No.. you're wrong. I came to pay you a visit since I already promised. Your mother didn't involve this time. Besides.. that something I want to discuss with you," said P'Forth calmly.

I looks down because I don't want to meet his eyes. "I got nothing to discuss with you. Just go back to your home."

I walked away from P'Forth but his grabbed my arms. I widened my eyes and yells at him. "LET ME GO. KEEP YOUR DIRTY HANDS FROM ME AND DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH ME.. ASSHOLE!!!"

P'Forth startled. He stare at me blankly.. slowly his grip loose. I slowly walks aways from him.

I mumbled. "This is too much. He touch me twice, give a peck on my forehead once.. what's next?? I cannot give him opportunity to do this to me."

P'Forth called makes me stop from walking. "You've changed.. a lot. And I'm sorry for touching you. Urmm.. Am I forgiven??" P'Forth raised his eyebrows and stares at me hoping to being forgiven. I avoid his gaze and nods slowly.

P'Forth smiled. "Now.. we're good. So, like what I've said before.. there was something that I want to discuss you. It's about us.. and also our father's wishes. On our father's death anniversary, I didn't expect to met you.. it's beyond my expectation. On that day, only God knows how my feelings that time.. I got mixed feelings when I looks into your eyes."

His chuckled before continued. "I want to apologize because I makes you feel uncomfortable with my stares.. I've never seen you after you send me to the airport. You're grown up become a man and you not longer a shorty kids that I always teases." He sighed. " When uncle Thanuchai joined us for lunch and told about the will.. I'm so shocked until I cannot utter any words. When you started called my name, begging me to oppose this marriage.. it's not that I don't want to help you but I believe that must being a reason why our father's wants us to get married."

I stayed silent for awhile. I churned every words that come out from P'Forth mouth. Unfortunately, I can't.. it's hurt.. totally hurt. I tried to hold my tears bursting out. Everything that happens five years ago flashes back in mind. "Sometimes I thought.. it seems easy for you to say cause you're not the one who felt this and that's what you did just now.."

I let out a big sigh. "When you send me a package contain your pictures with P'August two days before our first anniversary.. my life already devastated. How shattered my heart that time.. you tore my heart into pieces. My life turned upside down because of you. I'm the happiest person in this world to have you.. the one that I love since kids even it lasting only for three months. I worship you, adore you, loving you because you're the kindest person that I've met in my life after dad. I'm trying my best to being a good boyfriend for you.. loyal, understanding, study hard as you wishes, rejected every person that try to make a move since day one we're being boyfriends. ."

Finally my tears shed after I trying to hold it. I chuckled. "But when you stopped texting and rejected my call.. I thought you were busy with assignments and upcoming exams. I try my luck that day calling you, hoping you gonna answers it. After nth times trying, you finally answers my call. What makes me suprised.. it's not you who answer that called but P'August. At first, I thought it was one of you friends.. later on I heard your voice calling him dearly. I start to feeling uneasy but my heart told me to believe you. I was so stupid that time because I really trust you. I thought you never cheated on me cause you love me too but I'm wrong. You have someone else behind me, you accepted me because you didn't want to let me down. The most heartbreaking when you say that you like me as a brother not a lover."

P'Forth kneel to the ground when I finished talking and saw him crying. Finally I got a chance to blurt out everything that I kept for a long time. " Thank you for the sweet memories that you giving to me and also thanks for teaching me what love is. Stop come to my house after this.. I don't want to see your face anymore."

Bella is calling~~~

"P'Beam.. mother.. mother fainted in her office. Right now, she's was admitted in the ward."

A/N: I'm sorry for my late update.. I hope you can enjoyed this. Do vote and comment.

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