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"Water.. water.. I need a water. Can someone.. hukk.. hukkk.. brings me a water," suddenly a hoarse voice breaks the silence. Their eyes divert to the hoarse voice coming.

Our eyes widened when we heard that voice. It was mother.. mother who just woke up. Bella rush towards mother to give her a cup of water while me calling uncle Thanapon to informed him about mother. Mother called me towards her. I walk slowly towards her.. she pull me slowly and start caressing my palm.

"Beam.. my son.. mother really miss you. I'm sorry if I.." Mother begin to cry when she utters that word. I smiled at her instead of crying because she deserve my smile after all. I caressing her palm back and looks her happily.


"I'm sorry for disturbing you.. but Beam called me and told me that you're wake already. So, I came here to check your condition," said Uncle Thanapon. He makes several check up and looks at the chart. (I'm a business student after all.. I really bad with medical term.. forgive me , please) 

Uncle Thanapon added. "I checked your condition today. It looks like you'll be staying in the hospital for a few days until your body can back to normal. You really need a lot of rest .. my advice when you was here please stop thinking about work. Take this opportunity for a break and when you get out of here go on vacation to calm your mind. You've work too much, Layla.. your body need to rest."

Mother just smiled when he heard the advice from uncle Thanapon. "Yeah.. yeah. You're nagging like an old man. Have faith in me.. I will follow your advice as you told me to do so. It's that make you satisfied??If that case, I think you should continued your work in your own hospital. I will asked another doctor to in charge on me. Thanks a lot for treating me."

Uncle Thanapon chuckled. "Very satisfied. I know you're not a such stubborn-head. It's been my pleasure to treating the most fussy patient in the world. I'll take my leave first. I will see you back after you're healthy again. 

Everyone in that room burst into laughter when they heard how Uncle Thanapon dissed my mother. P'Forth volunteered to accompanied Uncle Thanapon to his car while Bella went to the ladies. I know that's all was just an excuses their make to leave us alone in this room. I thought 'it's kind of awkward.. someone please help me get out from this awkwardness.''

I decided to let mother rest and go back home but I heard mother asked me this question. "Did you want to leave me again??" That question makes me stunned for awhile. I turned my body to looks at mother.. I saw her tears in her beautiful eyes. "Shhhh.. mother. I'm not gonna leaving you. I went out because I want you to get some rest," said Beam.

Mother pulls me into her arms, caress my back, whispering in my ear and said how much he missed me. We hugging for awhile before release me from her arms. "Mother wants to apologize to you naa.. I know I'm not a good mother for both of you. I ignores both of you a lot.. I didn't know how to divide my time between our family and my career.  I was so greedy when my research that I did get recognition and all people around the world know me. Start from that day, I becoming more and more busy than usual. I frequently went for outstation within inside or outside the country to gives talk, attend seminar and many more.. just name it. Your father always asked me to slow my career and concentrate to raise both of you. But I'm such a stubborn-head.. "

Mothers takes deep breath and drinks some water. She added " I ignores your father and focusing on my work. I miss every moments to see how both of you grown up  even though Bella have your granny but she didn't grown up in front of my eyes. As time passes, that time you already reach your puberty.. and I miss that again. I realize how time flies so fast.. regret began to come slowly. It's impossible for me to turned back time.. but if I get that chance, I certainly will not let it go. 

 I'm not a good wife neither a good mother.  People around  me always envious  about my life.. they say I'm such a lucky woman because had everything that every women dreams. If they know the reality they must taken back their words. Your dad should just divorce me.. I failed as a mother and failed to be a good wife to him.  I'm sorry because I failed to being a good mother for you and your sister. I'm sorry if all this time I didn't being beside you when you need me the most. I'm sorry because I'm not your shoulder for you to cry on. Forgive mother naa, Beam??"

I stared mother with teary eyes. I'm touched by every words that she utters. I feel guilty and mad at the same time towards myself. " No, mother. I'm the one who should ask for your forgiveness. I am rude, talk to you harshly, always raise my voice and much more that I make your hurt with my act. When dad left me, I really hate you so much. I accuse you for being the cause of father's death. Dad loves you so much.. he always ask me to forgive you but I also like you, mother.. such a stubborn-head. Dad said that I looks alike you.. I'm a copy of Layla Baramee. He once say if he miss you, he will looks at my face. I know I'm not a good son for you and dad.. but I promised to being a better son for you. I already forgive you mother.. it just my ego is big than my head. I love you, mother.. thanks for always being patient with me all this time."

Mothers cupped my cheeks and start to kiss me all over my face before pulls me in her embrace. I thought 'dad, we're good now. You can rest in peace.. we're sorry because we make you feel sad. I pay to visit you soon. Love you, dad.

A/N: Finally, I managed to publish this chapter. I'm so busy for last two weeks because the new semester is already begin. I'm sorry cause makes you waiting for so long. Do vote and comment. Enjoy your reading.

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