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Layla's House

"Hi, Layla. I'm sorry for not visiting you in the hospital that day.. luckily, Forth updated your condition to me," explain Nessa.

"It's okay, Nessa. I understand. "


"Why you looks so gloomy? I think its not a right time to visiting you. I will.."

Layla stop Nessa from talking further." No no.. it's not like that.. to be honest, I was expecting your presence. I have something to tell you about our son."

Nessa wrinkles her forehead. "Our son? Did something happens to them that I didn't know? Because Forth never tell me anything about him and Beam."

"It's looks like Forth didn't tell Nessa about Beam has cancelled the marriage plan yet."

Layla takes a deep breath and start explain everything to Nessa about what happens the day she being admitted to hospital. "That's the end of my story. To be honest, I don't have any idea what happens between them.. because Beam didn't want to tell me. Forth promise me to tell but I guess he's right now being broken hearted because of my son."

Nessa sigh and stare Layla without blinking. Her minds feels blank.. she don't know how to react.

"Nessa! Nessa! Nessa!.. are you okay?" asked Layla.

Nessa who being pensive for a short time feels shocked when Layla call her name. " Yeahhh.. I'm okay.. I just.. don't know how to react. But I feel sorry to Beam, I think Beam was right. Sometimes Forth can be a jerk."

Layla laughed when she heard Nessa calling her own son a jerk. "So, what we supposed to do right now? I mean about this marriage plan. We cannot disappointing our husband's wish."

"But Layla we cannot force them too. We will looks selfish if we forced them. Beam might distance from you again. The best decisionwe should wait for Forth to telling us what happens between them before decide everything."

Layla stare at Nessa before agreed to her. Nessa was right.. she cannot force Beam to married Forth if he doesn't want. Beam might distance himself again from her. Just think about that make Layla feels scared.


Barrett's Cafe

"So, what's the important things that you want to tell me?"

"Ouuh you here already!! Sit down first and make order before I tell you more," said Luke.

Luke, the one that helps him to investigate about Forth while he in England. Everything about Forth he will update to me, so I can know how Forth living his life.

"It's okay.. I don't feel to eat anything. Just tell me quickly, so we can end our meeting quickly too," urged Lam.

"Looks like you have something important to do afternoon this.. but it's okay. I will tell you faster, it's actually about Forth as usual. And the important things that I will tell gonna make you feel excited," added Luke.

"Hurry up and tell me quickly. I need to pay what he have done as soon as possible"

"Chill, bro!! The things is that Forth need to get married with Beam Baramee. The marriage plan actually come out before their father's death. It is their father's wish by the way. According to the source, Forth already agree with this marriage plan but Beam is not," explain Luke.

Lam wrinkles his forehead and try to remember about Beam that been mention by Luke just now. He never heard that name before.

"Who the hell is Beam Baramee? And how did Uncle Jathurapoom know him?"

Luke sigh. "Living in the overseas for a long time sure make you forget everything. In case, if you didn't remember.. Mr Baramee is one of your father friends. But of course Baramee is more close to Jathurapoom because they are best friends."

Luke inhales before added. "They died in car accident together. Before they died, they already make a will that stated both of their son needs to get married. Plus, Mr Baramee only has a son named Beam and a daughter."

When Lam heard about the word accident, suddenly he remembered about his father's friends. "Yeahhh.. now I remember. But did you know why Beam is disagree? It is because Beam are straight or what?"

"I'm not sure about that.. because that the only information I get. I think my job is done here. You promised me to pay the balance after I settle my job." explain Luke.

"Here the money for you as I promised. Thanks for doing your jobs but I have an extra 'homework' for you to do. Can you do me a favor?" asked Lam.

Luke stare at Lam weirdly. Lam looks like he already something in his minds.

"I'll pay you double, don't worry. As long as you do, what I told you. It's not a hard task if that what you worry for."

"It's not like that.. I just think through about your favor. What kind of 'homework' that you want to give it to me?" asked Luke but deep inside his heart he hopes that Lam don't ask him to kill Forth.

"I'm not that cruel to ask you to kill him if that you are worry. Yes, it's true that I want to revenge but killing is not me. I just want to make sure that Forth knows how hurts our feeling when someone you loves cheated with the person he knows. I ask you once again, could you do me a favor?"

Luke just laughed when Lam can read his mind. "Anything for you, Mr Lam. What kind of favor? Name it and i will do my best."

"Looks.. I want you to gather more information about Beam Baramee. The most important the reason why he disagree with that marriage plan. And one more thing, I want you to follow him everywhere he's go, with whom and everything. Don't forget to update me everytime you get the info. Make sure that Beam doesn't know anything. I will pay you after your work is done. Understand?"

Luke just agreed and walk out from the cafe leave Lam behind who's already brooding.

"We will meet soon, Forth. Once I get enough information from Luke, the game will begins. Just wait and see!!"

A/N: New chapter has been published as I promised. Thanks for being patient. Do vote and comments. Forgive for my grammar. Enjoy your reading.

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