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NESSA'S POV (Forth's Mother)

"Hello, Nessa. So, what's next,??" Layla asked.

"Let's meet then. At usual place," I replied.

It's look like Layla already make a move. So, the next plan will coming soon.


Barrett's Cafe

"I already ordered for your drink. So, let's start our plan", I said to Layla.

"Thanks, Nessa. I really appreciate it. What's your plan?? Beam already move beside Forth's house. Do you think it will work?? I mean they already lost contact since Forth continued studies in Germany," Layla asked.

"Btw, Forth will come home today. By hook or by crook, this plan need to work. But if this didn't work, we need to change our plan. What ever happen, this marriage must go on. Our husbands wishes need to fulfill"

"Yes. You were right. Our husbands wishes. If this didn't work I think we the one who need to introduced both of them. What did you think??" Layla suggested.

"Brilliant idea!! Our husband's death anniversary will coming soon, right?? That's was the perfect time and tell them about the will," I agreed.

I really hope this plan will be successful. "Dear husband, your wish will be fulfilled soon," I prayed with all my heart.


"Hello, mom. Yes I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Once I arrived home, I will text you. I love you mom, " I replied.

Attention to AK348 flight passengers to Bangkok, Thailand. Please heading to the departure hall. Thank you.

Last checked before headed to departure hall. It's time to go home. A month in England make me miss home a lot. As a CEO of Jathurapoom Global and head of family, I turned to being workaholic.

I didn't had any time to met friends or even worse to date. Mom always nagging me to take care of myself. Stop being such a workaholic person. See outside world and so on.

It's not that I don't date before. But it has been a long time ago. I met August when we still a students. He's the one that filled my emptiness. I really love him deep inside in my heart. But I never tell mom about him because I'm scared she will not accepted him. He's a GUY after all.

Being a gay is not a crime for me. We really deep in love and doesn't care what people will think about us. No matter how I love him, wants him to be part of my life God loves him more.

Flashback (a month after final exam)

"Hey Peter. Did you see August?? I've been looking for him almost a week but I can't reach him. Did you know where he's been??" I asked.

"No. I didn't see him either. Maybe you can asked Nayla. She's probably know," Peter replied.

I thanked Peter and start to call Nayla. " Hello, Nayla. Are you busy?? I just want to asked you. Did you see August?? I've been looking at him almost a week".

"August?? Hey!! Forth, there was something I want to tell you regarding August. Can I see you for a while at the park?? I'll wait you there," said Nayla.

In the park

"Hey Nayla. What's did you want to tell me about August??" I asked impatiently.

Nayla looked hesitate. "I don't want to keep any longer. It's been a week since August's death. I think..."

I cut in. "Death?? Who's death?? Did you just said August?? Stop making a joke. I came here not to heard such a rubbish thing from your mouth".

"I'm not making a joke. It's true. August is death. He suffered from cancer before he met you. He's supposed to death long time ago. After you came into his life, August determined to fight his cancer. He's said you're the reasons why he's want to fight. But God loves him more.

Before our final exam, doctor said that cancer cells already spread and August need to being operate immediately. August is always being August. He didn't want to operate because exam is getting near and he doesn't want you to know about this. He's decided not to operate.

Last day of exam, he fainted while we in the park. I brought him to the hospital and doctor said his body already weak because the cancer cell is becoming more active. I try to tell you but I can't. August did not allowed me. But he gave me this letter. He's said you have to read this. I hope you can stay strong Forth," explained Nayla.

I just looked the letter that Nayla gives me with no expression. I sit there almost an hour. I don't know how to react. August's death really make me dumbfounded. The person that I love already left me.

End flashback

"Sorry for disturbing you, sir. Are you okay?? Did you want some tissue??" asked the flight attendant.

"What?? Sorry. I don't have any problem. Thanks for your care," I replied.

I didn't realize that I cried. I took out the letter that August give to me. I never read that letter since Nayla gives to me. I miss you August. A lot.

A/N: Here another update. I'm sorry for my bad English. Do vote and comment.

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