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After leaving from mother's house, I decided not to go back home but change direction to my favourite places, beach.

I went there to get some fresh air while calm my mind after so many things happened only one day. P'Forth presence plus the marriage wishes by dad make life turned upside down.

"I hate you, P'Forth. Why did you come back again??" I screamed loudly.


It's been a year since P'Forth left to further his studies. It's means we also being a couple for a years already. The first three months of our relationship , everything runs smoothly. We're always keep in touch with video call, messages or telephone.

Everything is perfect although we're being apart and P'Forth always find a time even only for five minutes to talk with me even he's busy with assignments. It was a happiest moments in my life having P'Forth as a lovers.

Within three months, everything was ruined due P'Forth rarely have a time for me. I thought it was a normal things since P'Forth busy with his studies moreover his exam coming soon.

Everyday and every minute, I will send a text message to update my daily life as usual. P'Forth told me to do so since I never had any experience in relationship before.

I always waiting P'Forth to replied. If I send in lunch time, sometimes he will replied after I sleep at night or even worse just read. What's make me most upset, when P'Forth rejected my call, never replied either read my messages.

One day, I tried to called him. I called him many times but he didn't pick up. After nth call, he's finally answers my call.

"Hello, P'Forth. Finally you answers my call. It's so hard to reach you lately. I try.."

P'Forth cuts in. "P'Forth?? You want to talk to P'Forth??"

That voice suprising me a lot. I looked at my phone to make sure the caller ID was P'Forth. The caller ID was right but the voice belongs someone else. It's not belong to a girl but a male!!

I try to think positive that it's might P'Forth friends who picked up the phone until I heard the voices that I wanted to heard for so long. "Baby, why took so long to take towel?? With whom did you spoke on the phone??"

"Ouuh!! It was nobody, babe. Probably he dialed the wrong number," replied that person.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you. Yeay you're right, I called the wrong number." My eyes wide open when I heard the way he called him. I ended the call, jumped to my bed and get ready to sleep. I hoping it's just a dream.

After that incident, I wish P'Forth will explain about the person who pick up his call. But I can only hope because P'Forth didn't send any message to me.

Day by day, I feel like P'Forth is getting away from me. He stopped message, didn't replied and rejected my call. I keep waiting him all the time like a crazy person.

Our first anniversary is getting nearer and I to suprised him by sending a present. I hope this present can bring us back together. But I the one who get suprised from him.

An parcel from P'Forth arrived at my house two days before our anniversary. I opened the parcel and saw a few pieces of pictures that had P'Forth with a guy. They looked good together but what makes my heart broke when one of the pictures show they are kissing. I cried like a crazy. I cannot believe it P'Forth cheating on me.

P'Forth is calling ~~~

"Hello, P'Forth!! Is this true?? I means the pictures that you send to me. It's is true??"

"Hi Beam. I guess you're already opened that parcel right. It's true. All the pictures are real and that person was August, my lover."

"Your lover?? If he was your lover who am I to you?? Did you forget that we're already together for one year??"

P'Forth chukled. "I never assume that you are my boyfriend. Let me clear this mess, I'm truly sorry if what I try to said after this can make our relationship worse but I need to being honest.

First of all, I accept to become your boyfriend because I don't want to let you down. Secondly, it's true that I like you but as a brother not a lovers. Thirdly, I never cheated on you if you think I do because basically I don't have any feelings towards you beside I deeply in love with August. The last one, I hope you can stopped texting and call me. I don't want August to suspect about us. Copied that?? Alright!! Till we meet again."

"Wait.. wait P'Forth," I yelled even call already ended.

End flashback


Since that day, my life turned upside down. I keep fall into sick, my result decline rapidly and the teachers keep scolding me because I didn't make homework and sleeping in the class.

Every night I'll crying until my eyes turned black. But I'm so lucky I got Pha and Kit as friends. They helped me, give moral support and cheer me up when they know about what P'Forth did.

I thanked to them for always being besides me. They such a good friends. I looked at the sky and saw sun will goes down. I didn't realise I've been sit here for a longer time. I removed the sand on my pants, wear my shoes and walking back to my car.

Enough thinking about past. I need some drinks tonight. It was a saturday night, I decided to drived my car to the nearby club.

A/N: A new chapter. I promised to you this chapter will have Pha and Kit unfortunately they will appear in the next chapter. Do vote and comment.

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