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Layla and Bella arrived first. They decided to wait the rest of them arrived. About 10 minutes later, Forth and Nessa arrived but Beam still not coming. It makes Layla worried. She trying to call him but he doesn't pick up her call.

Meanwhile in the car, Forth looked at the two women who's sit in the chair. He knows them. That's was Aunt Layla and his daughter, Bella.

He asked. "Mom. Did you and Aunt Layla plan to meet together today??"

Nessa replied. "Yes, son. I'm the one who asked them.  I thought is been easier for us to visit together  since Layla doesn't have work this mornig. Why??"

Forth shrug. "Nothing mom. Just asking." . Forth knows Uncle Baramee and Aunt Layla have two kids, a boy and a girl. But the questions is he's only see their daughter but not their son. Where's her son??

Forth locked the car and waii to Layla and Bella. "Sawadee krab, Aunt Layla and N'Bella."

"Sawadee kha, Forth. It's been so long since I met you. You looked more handsome," said Layla.

Forth blushed. "Thank you, Aunt Layla. You also looking much more beautiful." Layla laughed. "Beautiful?? Believe me. I got a lot of wrinkles because too much worked."

Forth smiled but his eyes are looking for someone. "I think we should go now before sun getting high. Or perhaps we waiting for someone??"

A sound from someone who just locked the car make all of them looking that direction. Beam is arrived!!

Beam greet and waii them. But he didn't saw Forth's presence. "I'm sorry for making you wait. I stop awhile to filled my gas."

Forth stunned for awhile looking at Beam. It's been a long time since he meets this guy. A guy that he likes to teases when they was a kid. Time flies so fast. Five years since their last meeting in the airport changing Beam into a flower boy.

Layla' s word make Forth stopped looking at Beam. " Let's go now since Beam is already arrived".


He's here!! I cannot believe it that he's here. P'Forth is here!! Gosh!! Five years in Germany make him more handsome than last time I saw him. "Straight your mind, Beam. Don't forget what he's already done. Besides, he's have a boyfriend," I said in my heart.

I walked behind my mother and Bella while P'Forth is walking behind me. Actually I just pretend to did not notice his presence. It's still hurt even it's been five fucking years already. I release a big sigh and take a deep breath. I need to focused today. Stop thinking about past.

We finally arrived after 10 minutes walk. "Honey, I'm coming with our kids. Nessa and Forth is coming with us also," said my mother.

We setup the stuffs that we bring from home. We spend 30 minutes there talking about our life. No tears but only a smile from us. Dad and uncle Jathurapoom doesn't want our visit fulled of tears. We give our last words and promised to visit them again.

Aunt Nessa asked us to having a lunch together at Sapphire Hotel. She already booked a private room for us to lunch. I try to find any excuses for me not to join the lunch but it's looked like mother knows what's played in my mind. " Beam, please?? Don't make any excuses. I need your presence there. And I begged you to listened me today. Okay??"

I nodded and walked to my car. I didn't want to argue with mother especially today is dad death's anniversary. I noticed since we visit dad, Forth's eyes keep looking at me. That's the main reason why I didn't want to join this lunch. It's make me uncomfortable.


Sapphire Hotel

When they arrived, Mr Thanapat, manager of Sapphire Hotel welcomed them and show the room that they already booked. Forth still cannot takes his eyes from Beam. He knows that Beam doesn't want to lunch with them because he's feel uncomfortable.

But he thanked to God or he should probably thanked to Layla for convinced Beam to stayed. Forth doesn't care about Beam being uncomfortable as long as he can see him more.

Each of them take their position in dining table and start to ordered their food. While waiting for their food, everyone in the room drown in their own world.

Beam played with his phone to avoid Forth eyes contact while Forth is still looking at Beam. Layla and Nessa feeling restless on their way to the hotel. Bella is only a normal person in that room and watched her brother who's feeling uncomfortable and her restless mother.

They still waiting Mr Thanuchai that will joining them lunch. As their backup, Mr Thanuchai's presence will being a blessing to them

Their food arrived ended what they do. They enjoyed their lunch quietly without making any sound. The silencennes  break when someone opened the door.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Layla and Nessa for being late." Everyone is shocked when they see Mr Thanuchai except those two who give a big smile to him.

A/N: I want to apologize about my writing. Thanks for those whose comment and notice about the mistakes that I make. I feel rushed to publish this chapter immediately😭😭. The next chapter will be the last part of chapter six. I hope you can enjoy it. I also will revealed the main reasons why Beam is hurt by Forth. Do comments and vote. 😃😃

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