♡ Chapter 1 ♡

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Warning: Uncensored Profanity/Swearing!!!


3rd Person

Tord woke up due to his VERY annoying clock ringing and ringing again "RING RING RING" He groaned and threw the alarm clock at his wall causing a loud noise "THUD!!!" apparently this was loud enough for his mom to barge in "TORD LARRSSON, FOR THE LAST TIME, WILL YOU PLEASE STOP THROWING THAT ALARM WE BOUGHT FOR YOU ACROSS YOUR ROOM!!!" Patryk fumed, "Mom, it's 6:30 in the morning" Tord groaned, Pat calmed down knowing Tord was probably right "Still doesn't give you the right to throw your alarm clock does it?" Patryk asked, "Now get ready for school please Tord, Breakfast will be downstairs soon sweetie" Patryk said as he turned into his usual sweet, mom self.

Great, Tord thought, another day of prison, also known as school "ugh" Tord grunted and got up, He stepped into the bathroom brushing his teeth and fixing his two horns planted on his head, he put on his blood red hoodie and then walked down stairs, "Hey soldier" his dad named Paul smiled while taking a sip of his coffee "Hey" Tord smiled back tiredly, "We made bacon if it makes you happy" Pat joined the conversation, Tord face immediately lit up and this made the both of his gay parents chuckle ( You already know I was gonna mention the word gay in the first chapter shut up— :"3 )


Tord Finished his breakfast and stood up putting his shoes on, Pat handed him his bag and lunch "Have a nice day honey" Pat kissed his forehead and opened the door, "Bye" Tord walked to Paul's car and they soon drove off.

Time Skip~

The car had arrived at his high school, Tord stepped out and then waved at his dad before entering his high school, the moment he stepped in everyone stared and straightened their backs, Tord smirked in amusement, there had always been bully's but Tord was definitely the scariest, he basically owned the school besides the teachers, He continued walking down the hall as everyone pressed their selfs against their lockers in fear, making it easier for Tord to get around, He had a clear path until he was met up with him... Tom... ( oH shOoT,, hiS smOl, adoRablE boYFrienD— )

He was on the floor picking up his books not noticing Tord, his own bully, standing there, staring down at him. He stood up and looked directly at Tord in his light grey eyes, his facial expression immediately turned to fear, He had light sandy, brown, fluffy hair that went up like a pineapple, he had pale, soft skin with natural rosy pink cheeks, the most interesting part about him was his eyes, well... he didn't really HAVE eyes he had black voids that somehow still showed so much emotion, his body was neither masculine nor feminine, even if it was more to the feminine side, he was basically just a puny, little stick with no muscles, just skinny arms, legs and waist and to top it all off, he was EXTREMLY short... Tord looked down at him cause of his height, He was a giant compared to Tom, Tord was taller than most boys and Tom was shorter than most girls, so it was quite funny imagining the height difference. He wore a pastel blue sweater, blue shorts and white thigh socks with two light blue stripes on them . ( eEEEeeeEEe I LovE paSTeL tOM— 💙💙💙 )

He backed up slowly as Tord approached him while smirking "S-Sorry, I didn't see you there" Tom whispered nervously, Tord grabbed him by the collar and smashed him into a locker "Better watch where you're going short ass" Tord hissed, Tom whimpered in pain. He nodded quickly and dropped to the ground, he picked up his books and immediately ran away, Tord continued walking as others shivered because of his presence.

First class started, it was french and Tord was late to class AGAIN, "Tord you're late again, I really don't appreciate that and you better start coming on time" The teacher warned, "Yeah yeah" Tord said bored and sat down ( alright, I'm not in high school so I wouldn't know what they would be teaching the students, so bare with me if the teachers ask dumb, simple questions please ;w;; )

Pastel Tears... ( TomTord/TordTom Fanfic ) ♡Where stories live. Discover now