♡ Chapter 3 ♡

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Sorry for the Late Chapter you Guys TwT Enjoyyy uwu 💕

Warning: Uncensored Profanity/Swearing

Tom's P.O.V

Edd grabbed my hand dragging me, I look down at the floor embarrassed, He sat me down on a chair "Tom what was that?..." he asked raising an eyebrow, "I-I don't know!! I-I s-swear he came out of n-nowhere!!" I said quickly "Woah calm down!! I know it wasn't your fault it's just... that was weird, and why were you just resting on Tord's chest?" Edd asked again "I-I tried getting out of his Grasp!! B-But he just kept me there and started wrapping his arm around my waist, I tried struggling again, but the situation just turned worse and he grabbed my phone and accepted your call, I didn't want things to go too worse so I kept still, and—" "Tom!! Slow down!!" Edd interrupted me "It's okay, I understand" he smiled wrapping his arm around me, "he's always been a rude weirdo" Edd laughed, I smiled back at him.

All of a sudden Matt burst through the door wearing his classic "I Love M@" shirt, "I'm hereeee!!" Matt smiled, he saw us hugging and immediately ran over to us and joined the hug, a few seconds into the hug, Matt asked "Why are we hugging" Edd looked at me smirking "N-Nothing" I looked away, Matt shrugged and dragged both of us to a table.


Tord's P.O.V

I left the library uncomfortable, not with Tom, just me and why I would do that... Ugh... I was supposed to be STAYING in that library but seems like I can't anymore, I sighed annoyed and searched for something to do or anywhere else I can read my hentai, I was walking down when I came across my school, I rolled my eyes about to walk away but I then saw a couple of teachers putting signs up outside and inside the school, I walked to the posters and I was about to rip it off when I saw a teacher approaching me "Tord, I really don't want to believe that you're stealing and ruining our posters that we worked hard on" she glared at me, "Leave before I call the principle and he'll make you do even more homewor-" she threatened, I walked away before she could finish, I didn't care if it was another day of suspension, it was great not having to go to a prison every single day, but the problem was Pat took my phone and other stuff so I have nothing to do.

I just continued walking until I crashed into someone, as I rubbed my head in pain, they stood up and looked down at me, It was the most popular girl in school, Tiffany. "Sorry Tord!! Are you okay" She said in her high pitched voice, it was kinda annoying to be honest ( yES drAg tiFfanNY— ) She had blonde hair, the tacky yellow type she obviously dyed, and also emerald green eyes, her eyes were pretty, sure, but they were way too bright and made my eyes bleed, ( Not actually XD :"3 ) She wore a purple slutty top which showed basically all her skin and wore dark blue jean shorts with heels ( Ew :"3 ) She wore loads of makeup that would definitely ruin her face if she continued wearing it often. ( hEr fAce iS alREadY ruINeD wHaT arE yOu taLKinG aboUT— ) She looked at her 'friends' or peasants I'm pretty sure, I could tell she was telling them to help me up and they did "ugh... thanks I guess..." I mumbled looking down at them now, they all giggles like annoying little girls, "You're Welcome Tordy!!" Tiffany smiled WAY to wide for my liking, like a clown smile. I also didn't like how she called me Tordy, it made me cringe "Right I should be going now..." walking back a little "Wait!! You should hang out with us!! We're hanging out with the jocks and you should like totally come!!" She batted her fake eyelashes at me flirtatiously ( hHHHhh— she's making me crINgE— :"3 ) Most guys would already be walking away with her since they found her attractive, but I didn't, I didn't find her attractive at all, she wasn't ugly, she was just simply decent. Same with other girls, I didn't like anyone. ( yeah except Tom— ) "No tha—" Too Late. She grabbed my arm and started walking with me, she snapped her fingers signalling her peasants to come and drag me, They both started dragging me and I glared at them, they didn't see though, they were too busy following Tiffany.

Few Hours Later

This was fucking annoying, the girls were blabbering about stuff I didn't care about and the boys just talked about sports, I liked sports yeah, it's fun to play but it's not fun to TALK about, Tiffany looked over at me, "Hey Tord? Are you okay, you've been really quiet" Tiffany said trying her best to be concerned, "I'm fine" I said blankly, I continued thinking about stuff when I noticed Tiffany leaning in with her eyes closed, What was she doing?? Everyone was watching us, The boys threw thumbs up signs at me and the girls had jealous looks, Was she trying to kiss me!? I didn't even like her let alone know a lot about her!! I didn't lean in, I backed up into a wall, Faen...

7 inches apart. 6 inches apart. 5 inches apart, 4 inches apart. 3 inches apart...


Tiffany fell face first into a wall, before she could touch me I just moved away and dodged the kiss, She got up and groaned and then looked at me, Everyone looked at me aswell in shock. What the fuck did they expect? Me just immediately making out with her? Fuck no. "Tord?..." She tried to grab my hand which I just put up slightly so she couldn't reach "I should be going now..." I then got up, picked up my stuff and left, That was even more awkward than the Tom incident. Now I know what would happen, Tiffany would spread rumours about me, not bad and embarrassing ones, False ones that make her look good, I didn't know what she would say but I definitely knew she would make up some stuff that didn't even happen and everyone would go along with it, even the witnesses that were there.

I looked at the my phone, 2 hours since I was gone, I sighed in relief and went back home.

I was met by a Proud Paul and a Happy Pat.

2 more days left... then I'll get too see Tom and Tiffany... Oh no...


Sorry if that was Short ;w; I'm kinda tired and stressed right now at the moment ;^;; 💖 anyways new character introduced called Tiffany uwu But I hate her— :"3

Anyways hope u enjoyed :3 💖


If you see any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, please let me know so I can change it so you and others can understand 💖✨




Faen= Fuck


Correct me if I'm wrong!! 💕


1183 Words

Pastel Tears... ( TomTord/TordTom Fanfic ) ♡Where stories live. Discover now