♡ Chapter 9 ♡

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Merry Christmas

Sorry for being gone for so long, I've been quite busy <33

Motivation has ran away from me, so now I'm just a big blob of procrastination ;w;

I hope you enjoy this chapter <33


Warning: Uncensored Profanity/Swearing


Tom's P.O.V ( yes uwu )

Fucking assholes. ( We're off to a strong start— )

That's what they are. They just left me behind? What did I do?

They even formed a relationship as I was gone. I honestly don't mind, neither do I care. But they just suddenly pretend I don't exist?

Maybe because of how vulnerable and sad I was before. Maybe they never wanted to be my friends and just felt bad for me, and when I was gone, they thought it was the perfect chance to leave. Leave when I needed them the most.

If they don't want to be my friends, they could of just tell me instead of doing such an asshole move.

Why do I care so much anyways? It's all so fucking frustrating!!

( I think this is all of us when we're venting :"3 )

Tord's P.O.V

I was walking down the corridor when I heard quiet mumbling. I stopped and snuck my way over, peeking to see who was mumbling. ( why is Tord such a cREEP )

It was Tom. An angry Tom.

Tom looked up at me. He didn't even looked shocked or surprised. He just looked pissed off. He groaned slouching back into his position. "Go away" he said, but his voice was muffled because of his face dug into his hoodie. "What are you doing?" I asked, "Nothing, now leave" "Why are you mad?" Silence, I crouched down to his level. "Thomas, what's wro—" "Why do you care so fucking much!?" He snapped, startling me. "No need to be so rude" I rolled my eyes. "Just leave, you'll get in trouble" His voice went quiet. "Since when did you care" I asked smugly, "I don't. I just want you to fuck off" Tom spat leaving me to snicker.

"Get up" I put my hand out, "I'm not touching your hand, neither am I leaving or getting up" he grumbled, "Then I'm staying right next to you" I sat down. He signed annoyed. "Is it Edd and Matt?" "No" "Yes it is" "Shut up" "Make me" "I'll shove my fist in your mouth" "Or you could shove your dic—" He sat up alarmed and then punched my arm. "Ow!! I meant dic-tionary" I laughed smiling "Creep" he huffed, "Mhm"

He got up. "Where are you going?" "Class" "Awww~ Did I make you feel better?" I snickered, "No, you've just made me uncomfortable to the point I want to be nowhere near you" He rolled his eyes, "I thought you already thought of me that way" "Quiet dumb ass" He hissed "Aww, thanks"

I got up following him. "Oh my god, can you not take a hint!?" He hissed, I raised my eyebrow, "I don't like you and I've made it pretty clear I don't wanna be near you!!" He growled. "I thought we were bonding or even starting to be friends" I frowned, of course, fake, just to annoy him. "I am not your friend!! and I will never ever get along with you. I hate you with a burning passion for multiple, different reasons" He hissed. I just kept following him causing him to groan.

We finally reached his class, he turned around and was about to open his mouth when I interrupted him

"We're in the same class, I kinda have to follow you smarty"

Pastel Tears... ( TomTord/TordTom Fanfic ) ♡Where stories live. Discover now