♡ Chapter 10 ♡

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Merry Christmas!! ❤️💚✨

Guess who won the challenge!? <3

This dudeeee uwu

Since it's Christmas, I'll write a full chapter for you guys <3

I hope you have a nice, Christmasy day and I hope this somehow makes your day better <33


Warning: Uncensored Profanity/Swearing


3rd Person

The white, frosty snow showered upon the ground. A chilled frost hung in the air, as snowflakes sprinkled down.

It was none other than Christmas Day.

The day everyone loved.

Except Tom.


Christmas was supposed to be the day where you could have presents, jump and play in the snow and spend time with your family.

Tom could do none of these things. He knew Santa wasn't real, it was only your parents giving you presents and pretending it was Santa. ( what a lie ;c ) He couldn't jump or play in the snow, he hated being cold and didn't have any clothes to wear, he only had his hoodie. Normally, he would ask Edd or Matt, but that wasn't really an option. He couldn't spend time with his family. His father absolutely loathed him. To which Tom hated him back, it pained him to even call him father or anything more. In his mind, he didn't have a family.

This day sucked. Atleast for Tom

But this day was a great day for a certain communist. Tord.

He had his loving parents. He could actually handle the cold since he used to live in Norway and Norway is much colder, and he got presents. He knew Santa was fake but still liked to pretend he was as a joke for his sweet parents, to which they played along.

It was pretty much a good day for everyone.

Even if Tom disliked the holiday heavily, atleast there was one good thing.

School was off.

Tord's P.O.V

Winter break!! Finally.

I trotted through the thick snow. As flakes of frost fell on my face. I didn't really know what to do. Paul and Pat would be going overboard as I expected. Probably arguing over who should get to put the star on top. Childish, very very childish.

I was in the middle of my thoughts when I was all of a sudden interrupted, I heard a rustle and was a flash of blue in the distance. I walked closer and scanned the area, to my surprise. It lead to a closed off area. An area that had a huge sign, saying "Danger"

Maybe it was an animal? Possibly a bird, because of it's blue flash, but birds are much smaller. Maybe a deer?... but to my knowledge, I don't think there are any deers out there who are blue. Or a human? That was the only logical answer but what idiot would sprint into a zone that said "Danger"

I looked closer. Too try and see something blue, and I did, the same blue thing that dashed into the bush right next to the sign. I was only looking, no way am I going in there, only an idiot would.


Okay, I may or not be inside the danger area where I said I wasn't going to go in...

So maybe I'm an idiot, I don't care!!

Pastel Tears... ( TomTord/TordTom Fanfic ) ♡Where stories live. Discover now