Chapter 6

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Jack is sitting on the sofa dictating memos to his trusted assistant Evelyn. Evelyn Lincoln has been his assistant since he first began his business. Eight years his senior Evelyn has served as an assistant as well as a confidant and friend. He can always count on Evelyn to give him good advice to help him get back on track when he gets distracted.

"So anything else Jack," Evelyn says closing her iPad.

"No that's it. Have you heard any more from Michael Mansfield? I need to know about the progress of the hotel. If I don't hear anything else from him by the end of the week I'm going to fly to Vegas myself to find out," he says getting up off of his sofa in his condo.

He purchased the condo in downtown Le Martinique so he has somewhere to stay during the construction of the school. Thanks to Inga he is more conscious of his appearance and his reputation especially things that bear the name Kennedy. When he began building schools he lived in the cities and met consistently with the construction workers to make sure everything was being done right.

"No, I haven't heard from him, but I can call his secretary again," Evelyn says.

"Yes, that's fine. The last thing I need is this hotel to be some sort of disaster like the other resort Mike had built in Vail, Colorado two years ago," Jack says making his way over to the bar to pour himself a drink.

"I agree, Mike should've listened to you when you told him not to invest," Evelyn says while walking to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

Jack sits down at the counter and takes a sip of his drink. Evelyn takes a few sips of her water before sitting the bottle down.

"I must say the Queen of Le Martinique knows how to throw a party. Mike could've used her party planners for the party he threw a few months back," Evelyn says.

"Yes she does," Jack agrees his mind drifting back to a week ago. He has to admit Her Royal highness look breathtakingly beautiful in the blue gown she wore. Her sunkissed skin, those beautiful hazel eyes, then her luscious pink lips. Her soft voice had him hanging onto every word she said. Then her lips brushed against his ear when she whispered something that had added more fuel to the flame of desire burning within. He has to admit he finds Jacqueline to be a beautiful woman, and would not mind seeing her more often.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple for she is royalty. Jacqueline Bouvier is not any woman on the street she is a ruler of a country. Also, the country's Parliament isn't going to be ok with the Queen of their country dating a foreigner. They expect her to find one of the noblemen in the country to be the next King of Le Martinique.

"Hey, earth to Jack," he hears Evelyn who is waving her hand in his face.

"Yeah Evelyn," he says.

"I was saying I'm getting ready to leave, Harold and I are going out to dinner unless you need me for anything else," she says looking at her boss.

"No, you are good to go. You and Harold enjoy your night," Jack says.

"Thank you, see you tomorrow," Evelyn says picking up her things before she leaves the apartment.

After the door closes Jack sits there and hears the quiet that surrounds him. Makes him think again about the current state of his love life. There are times when he wishes he didn't have to come home to an empty house. It would be nice to come home to a wife and one-day children to pass his legacy on to.

He honestly doesn't feel like he could go out to a bar and pick up anyone. Le Martinique is a small country where he is sure everyone knows everybody. So word would move pretty fast if he was to try to cut a swarth through some of the women there. Getting up he goes to the fridge and grabs a beer. Tonight he'll just throw on another movie, order take out, and go to bed.

As he grabs a beer out of the fridge he hears his phone ding, indicating he just received a text. He pops the cap off his beer before sitting down to see who just text him. Much to his surprise, he sees it's from Jackie.

Hello, is the words he sees on his screen. He responds and waits for a response before he turns his attention to the large-screen television. After a few minutes pass he puts his phone to sleep and picks up the remote to flip through the channels to find something remotely interesting to watch. Again his phone dings, this time a text from his sister Kathleen.

Five minutes later his phone dings again, this time it's Jackie.

Are you busy? are the next words he sees.

No not at all, he replies. In his mind, he hopes she calls, so he doesn't have to suffer through another night of boredom. If there was anything that irritated him more than losing money, it was being bored. Boredom is something Jack often tried to avoid.

Would you mind if I call you? is the next text he sees.

Sure, he replies.

Just then his phone begins to ring indicating he has a Facetime phone call. He answer and the sight that fills the screen causes him to let out an inward groan. He should have known she would be in bed wearing a pink silk lace-trimmed nightie with a silver locket resting in her cleavage, her chocolate brown hair down her shoulders her lips pink and pouty. She looks beautiful and tempting.

"Hello handsome," Jackie purrs.

"Hello gorgeous," he says surprised by what she just said.

Even though they have flirted in the past, she has never been so bold. He has to admit he likes it.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"I was just trying to find something to watch on tv, but I'm glad you called," he replies with a wink.

"Oh? Why?" she inquired.

"I enjoy talking to you." he replies leaning back, "but I see you are in bed a little early."

"Yeah, well I finished my work early so I rewarded myself with a hot bath and a glass of wine."

He groans as the image of Jackie in the bathtub flashes in his mind. If only he could have been there in person.

"What about you. Any more new adventures in the world of Jack Kennedy?"

Jack chuckles and shakes his head, "No, no new adventures. I'm still waiting on updates about the hotel I invested in that in Las Vegas. I have a strong feeling I will have to fly back to the US for a few days to see what's going on myself since I can't seem to get any concrete information."

"Sorry to hear that Jack, hopefully, you get the answers to your questions soon," she says reassuring him.

"Thanks, Jackie, I hope so too. I should have known better as the gentleman who brought me on board this investment, has had a few bad investments himself so I'm possibly playing with fire."

"Oh no, just try to think positive Jack."

They continue their conversation for an hour before they hang up as Jackie needed to get her beauty rest.

Jack sits there on the sofa thinking about the beautiful woman he was just on the phone with. Seeing Jackie in lingerie is an image that will be stuck in his head for a long time. The image will turn into another dream added to the collection of dreams he has about her. A couple of nights ago he had a dream where he came home and Jackie was waiting for him in nothing but one of his dress shirts and a smile.

He doubts anything could ever happen between him and the Queen of Le Martinique, so the fantasies of her will just have to suffice.

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