Chapter 22

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Jackie turns to face Lee and Margaret so they can see her in her gown after the final alterations. Both of them are speechless.

"Jacks you look beautiful," Lee says trying not to cry.

"Thank you," Jackie says smiling.

The past four months have been somewhat stressful due to the wedding planning and Janét refusing to participate in the wedding. Also, it was revealed another high member of parliament Lord Davignéd was the other member in the scheme to break up Jackie and Jack. He admitted to wanting to have his son marry Jackie so his family could reposition themselves among high society as they were beginning to go broke.

Not long after they announced their engagement which was met with excitement amongst the citizens of Le Martinique, Janét made it clear she would not bless their union even though they are fully supported by everyone else.

"I just wish Mommy could support Jack and I. She still refuses to come to the wedding," Jackie says sounding disappointed.

The seamstress motions for her to turn while she makes another adjustment.

"Jacks, I wouldn't worry about Mommy, she'll come around one day," Lee says shaking her head.

"Lee is right Jackie, she'll come around. Besides I wouldn't give up my one chance at happiness." Margaret chimes in.

"I wish that were true, someone from the press asked her would she re-consider coming to the wedding she said no."

"Jackie don't get yourself all upset. Things will be ok," Margaret says trying to console her friend.

After changing out of her gown Jackie sits down across from her sister and best friend.  "I hope so, I just wish she wasn't so stubborn," she says before lighting a cigarette. She takes a long drag letting the nicotine fill her lungs and relax her.

"Well now it's just a countdown to the wedding in three days are you excited?" Lee inquiries.

"I am, I'm looking forward to marriage. Waking up in Jack's arms every morning. The beautiful children we eventually have," Jackie replies smiling.

"How many do you plan on having? Especially your are saying children," Margaret smirks.

"Knowing Jack, he will want a lot of children. Considering he came from a large family himself.

"So it's safe to say you will be pretty busy after a while," Margaret says snickering.

"Yes very busy and loving every minute of it," Jackie replies before taking another drag of her cigarette.

Later on that afternoon Jackie is sitting in her office going over some paperwork her secretary brought in. She is interrupted by  a knock on the door.

"Come in." she says not bothering to look up to see who has walked in. Who ever it is they clear their voice and she recognize the familiar sound. Looking up she sees her mother standing in front of her.

"Hello mother," Jackie says.

"Jacqueline I am here to make one last plea. Do not marry this man!"

"Our wedding is in three days! I love him! Why is that so hard for you to accept that I love Jack and he loves me!? Why can't you be happy for us?"

"He is not from here Jackie! How could you marry a foreigner?"

"What difference does it make where Jack is from! Why can't our love be enough. Only you and a handful of people don't approve, yet everyone else is happy for us. I am marrying Jack whether you like it or not!"

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