Chapter 20

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Jackie awakens feeling Jack's breath against her neck. Last night when they arrived back in Le Martinique, they made up for the lost time. Not wanting to wake him, she slowly gets out of bed. She goes into the bathroom to shower so she can begin her day. Today she plans to confront her mother about what she has done.

While she is brushing her teeth she notices the two hickeys Jack left on her shoulder. She is instantly taken back to last night when Jack made love to her over and over again. His big strong hands firmly held her waist as she rode him. The sweet kisses, the gentle caresses in between. Never had she ever felt love like this before and she will do everything in her power to protect it. Even if she has to go up against her mother.

She turns on the water to her desired temperature. Stepping inside she lets the warm water wet every inch of her body. When she is in the shower one of the few times of the day is when she is not disturbed.

After her second lather of washing her hair, she feels two big strong hands on her hips. A deep voice sends shivers down her spine as the voice greets her with the words "Good morning."

Turning to face Jack she begins to smile. "Good morning to you too," she replies before kissing him.

"How did you sleep?" Jack asks before kissing her back.

"Wonderful, the best sleep I've had in a long time," Jackie replies rubbing his bare chest.

"Good," he says before kissing her again.

Twenty minutes later they both emerge from the bathroom feeling clean and refreshed. Jackie gets dressed for the day while Jack prepares himself to meet with the construction company on the progress of the school.

"I'll see you later," Jackie says hugging Jack.

"I'll see ya later kid," Jack replies hugging Jackie back and placing a quick kiss on her lips.

They both part ways and Jackie heads to her office. When she arrives she asks her secretary to call her mother. She doesn't know what she plans to say to her, but she knows she has to stand her ground and not let her mother ruin her chance at happiness.

An hour late Janét arrived and is let in by Jackie's secretary. Jackie looks up at her mother who must be returning from an outing, as she is taking off her gloves.

"Jacqueline dear it's good to see you out of bed," Janét says to her daughter with a smile.

"Please have a seat mother," Jackie says wanting to cut past the pleasantries.

Janét looks at her daughter, she never heard her be so curt before. Without a word, she takes a seat. Jackie takes a seat diagonally from her mother.

"Well, I'm glad you are out of bed Jacqueline as we can now work on finding you a suitable husband."

"I already have a husband!" Jackie replies sharply.

"Oh who?" Janét inquires.

"Jack, You know mother Jack Kennedy. The man you ran off."

Janét looks at her daughter and shakes her head.

"Jacqueline dear you can't be serious? That man isn't good enough for you," she replies with disgust.

"That is your opinion mother, but I and the head of Parliament feel otherwise. Just to inform you there would be no reason why the people of this country would turn their back on me because I didn't marry a man from here. Also, no law prohibits me from marrying Jack either."

Janét looks at her daughter stunned. She can't believe her daughter would turn her back on her people.

"How could you turn your back on your people Jacqueline!? Your father would be very unhappy if he were alive!" Janét says standing up.

"No! It would be you he would be unhappy with! You tried to break up me and Jack for your selfish reasons. Instead of being happy for me, you rather see me miserable instead. What kind of mother does that to her child!?" Jackie shoots back.

"I only want what is best for your and your siblings!"

"So why can't Jack be what is best for me? You don't even know him! You are simply writing him off because he's not from here! Most importantly because he's not the son of whoever Duke you are conspiring with. Just know that I will find out who he is!" Jackie says getting up to look her mother in the eye.

Janét doesn't say anything but studies her daughter's face to see if she is bluffing.

"So you have a choice! You can support I and Jack's soon-to-be betrothal or you can miss out on your future grandchildren. It's up to you!" Jackie says before turning away from her mother. She walks back to her desk and takes a seat to continue her work.

She looks at her daughter and turns to leave. Jackie doesn't look up only to hear the clicking of her mother's heels against the marble floor. Once she feels like her mother is gone, she leans back in her chair.

She didn't want to threaten her mother like this, but she needs her to understand the severity of what she has done. A part of her doesn't feel like this is over. Knowing her mother she is going to find a way to stop their marriage. She and Jack just have to be prepared.

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