Chapter 12

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Jackie is putting the last touches on her makeup before she is to meet with Jack for lunch to discuss the school. They will be having lunch in his suite which she learns is only a couple of floors down from her penthouse suite. Lee knocks on her doorjamb and looks at her sister.

"Don't you look nice," Lee says looking at her oldest sister up and down. 

"Thank you," Jackie replies before taking one last look at herself in the mirror. 

"Welcome. What made you decide to wear your hair down?" Lee asks knowing her sister tends to wear her hair pulled back from her face. 

"Just wanted to go with a different look, that's all."

"Right, like that dress doesn't scream I'm single and ready to mingle. Admit it Jackie you and John Kennedy have something going on. Don't say you two are friends because I saw the way you were looking at him at your birthday party. I also saw how he was looking at you when you had your last meeting with him when I was present," Lee says crossing her arms across her chest.

"What he's an attractive man. It doesn't make me a bad person for noticing. We are just friends nothing more" Jackie retorts turning to pick up her purse to make sure she has everything. Not wanting her sister to see that she is lying. 

"Uh-huh, then explain Your Highness why are you wearing lace underwear under your dress. I came in here earlier to borrow lotion and I noticed your sexy choice of underwear laid out on your bed. It also doesn't help that the heels you have on are noticeably higher than what you usually wear. Do you plan on being his dessert after lunch?" Lee asks with a knowing smirk. 

Jackie rolls her eyes, she sometimes hates the fact her sister could be so observant and easily pick up on things. 

"Lee what I am about to tell you cannot leave this room. If you so much breathe one word to mother I will lock you in the dungeon!"

"Come on Jackie, you know I wouldn't tell mother. I didn't tell her and dad about the time you and Margaret snuck out to go to that party across town or you were the one who burnt a hole on her Hermes chair. So spill it, tell me all about your new boy toy," Lee says sitting down on Jackie's bed excitedly. 

"Oh, Caroline don't be so childish. Jack is not my boy toy, we're just having fun," Jackie says sitting back down in front of the vanity. 

"So he has you calling him Jack now," Lee teases, "what does he call you when you two are alone?" 

Jackie rolls her eyes again, "He calls me Jackie or Jacqueline. He doesn't have a nickname for me if that is what you are trying to figure out."

"Ok.. so have you two slept together yet?" Lee asks looking at her sister with a knowing smile.  

Jackie closes her eyes, "yes we have."

"I knew it! I knew it! You have been more relaxed lately, and you have that glow about you."

"It's only happened one time..."

"Yeah, and it's probably going to happen again after the two of you have lunch. 

"If it does it does. Jack is a good man and I enjoy his company. He's the most decent man I have met. If we have to keep our little 'affair' a secret then so be it," Jackie says standing up. 

"So what are you going to do about mother? You know she expects you to settle down and get married within the next year," Lee says standing up to follow her sister out of the room. 

"I don't know, we'll cross that bridge when the time comes. Honestly, there is none of the noblemen or Parliament members' sons I am attracted to or could see myself being married to."

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