Chapter 18

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Since she received the letter from Jack, Jackie finally got out of bed. For the past two days, Jackie wouldn't leave her private quarters. Her heart has broken into a thousand pieces and it is hard for her to get out of bed. All day she would cry into her pillows and re-read the letter Jack left. Her mother and siblings would try to comfort her, but nothing they could say could make her feel better. She loved Jack and losing him has hurt her so much. She doesn't know if she would be able to ever love another man.

Today she decided she was going to fight to get Jack to see they were meant to be. First, she needed to find out if it was against the law for a Monarch to marry a foreigner. So she arranged a meeting with Lord Lavigne, the Parliamentary Leader. If she finds out she can get the green light, she will fly to Boston to convince Jack to give them another try.

Meanwhile, Lee is looking for her mother to ask her a question when she overhears her mother and another male's voice talking. When she hears her mother mention Jack's name she quietly moves closer to the door and listens.

Janet: I told him I would paint him as a manipulative interloper if he didn't leave. He wasn't good enough for Jackie.

Male voice: (laughs) good, now if only we could get my son and your daughter together to build our strong empire. Besides I had to pay off my son's girlfriend. I wish I would have thought of that.

Janét: believe me it was easy for that silly American to believe anything.

Lee steps back, she can't believe what she just heard. Her mother is the reason for Jack leaving! She sat there comforting Jackie and telling her everything will be ok when she is the reason he left in the first place.

Lee turns and quickly walks away before she is discovered eavesdropping on the conversation. She needs to get to Jackie and tell her the truth.

Jackie is sitting at her desk when Lord Lavigne walks in.

"Your Majesty," the older man says before bowing.

"Lord Lavigne, thank you for coming to see me on such short notice."

"It's no trouble at all Madam, it's an honor to be in your presence."

"Thank you, and how is your family?" Jackie replies motioning for him to take a seat on the sofa.

"Everyone is well, my oldest daughter Madeleine has started her last year of school," Lavigne says taking a seat.

"Wonderful, I wish her all the luck," Jackie replies, "so I'm sure you are wondering why I asked you here today?"

"Yes, I am a bit curious."

"Well, it's about me..." Jackie says before giving a brief story about her and Jack's relationship. When she is finished she asks, "so I wanted to know is there any law that prohibits the Monarch to marry a non-citizen?"

Lavigne thinks a moment and shakes his head, "no Your Majesty there isn't a law that prohibits you from marrying a non-citizen. So it's safe to say Your Highness there soon will be a wedding?" he inquires with a smile.

"I hope so, Jack left under the impression the people of this country wouldn't accept him as my husband. Which I highly doubt because people are excited about the school he's building. The enrollment numbers are beyond what the school is anticipated to accept. He is seen as a good man," Jackie says just as Lee busts through the office door.

"Lee, what is going on? We're in the middle of an important meeting," Jackie says standing up.

"It's about Jack. I know why Jack left!?" Lee says panting.

"You do?" Lord Lavigne says shocked.

"I overheard our mother talking to some man about how easy it was to convince Jack he wasn't good enough for you and for him to leave. The plan is to get you to marry the son of whoever she was talking to," Lee says looking at her sister.

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