Chapter 13

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It's been a few weeks since that day in Jack's hotel suite and they have managed to see each other once since then. However, they text each other all day and talk when they have the time to. Still, the passion, desire, and pure sexual attraction rage like a four-alarm blaze. When they are close to each other they can't help but want each other. Then the teasing and flirting over the phone, building up to their subsequent encounter has him anticipating her showing up tonight.

They are having dinner together and discussing the school construction since she is there in Le Martinique and the chairman of the school's board. Jack combs his hair and takes one last look in the mirror when he hears a knock at his door.

He smiles at the lovely vision in front of him.

"Good evening Jack," Jackie coos.

"Good evening Your Majesty," Jack replies bowing.

Jackie giggles.

"Jack, you're so silly."

"Only because I enjoy bringing a smile to your face," he replies helping her with her jacket.

"You're so sweet."

"Thank you. How was your flight?"

"It was good. How was your day?"

"Busy as usual."

"So what business conquest has the great John Kennedy taken over now?"

Jack smiles as he walks back from the bar with two glasses of champagne.

"No new business ventures yet, but I've been back and forth to Las Vegas trying to get the hotel ready for its grand opening maybe by the summer of next year. Also meeting with other board members."

"Sounds interesting, you're always off traveling seeing the world. I wish I could do that."

"What? I would think that you have been all over the world by now. I'm sure the Queen of Le Martinique has been requested to grace everyone with her beautiful presence."

Jackie blushes. "Thank you, Jack, but unfortunately I can't take off whenever I feel like it. Don't want to make it seem like I'm spending too much taxpayer money, even though my clothes and everything are taken care of due to having different investments. Also can't give the impression that I'm trying to abandon my duties," Jackie replies before taking a sip.

"Hopefully you get to see more of the world. Very beautiful place."

"I'm sure. Me too."

They both sit there in silence.

"You look lovely tonight," Jack says breaking the silence.

"Thank you, you look very handsome."

"Thank you," he replies kissing the back of her hand.

Again silence fills the room.

"Should we begin talking about the school, or should we..." she asks crossing her legs and causing her dress to rise a little

"I guess we can talk about the school now until dinner comes and then we uh...can talk about other things after dessert."


The next morning Jack is awakened by a loud bang on the door. Jackie snuggles into his chest more.

"Jack honey what's that noise?" she asks half awake.

"Somebody at the door," he groans.

"I wonder who could that be?"

"I don't know sweetheart, but they're not about to like my response. Wait here," Jack replies getting out of bed.

He puts on a pair of boxers before storming to the door. Opening the door he sees his young brother Bobby standing there.

"Bobby what hell are you doing here and why the hell are you banging on my door like some damn maniac?"

"Just wanted to come see you, big bro," Bobby says smiling brushing past Jack with his suitcase in his hand.

"Bobby it's Saturday and it's only 7:15 am. Shouldn't you be back home at school?" Jack asks sitting down at the island in his kitchen.

"Yea, but I decided to visit my brother in his new country for my break ," Bobby says closing the refrigerator door.

"It would have been nice if you called first. I could have been gone."

"I called your assistant who told me that you should be home," Bobby replies taking a bite out of the apple he took out of the fridge.

Jack runs his hand through his hair.

"Well I appreciate the visit little brother, but I would like to get back to bed. I've had a long week. The guest room is down the hallway on the right."

"And a good night, what's up with the scratch marks on your shoulder?"

Jack looks at his shoulder and sees the scratch marks from Jackie.

His mind instantly flashes back to last night when he slowly undressed Jackie, admiring every inch of her curves. Kissing her from her head to her feet. Lying her down on his bed before making love to her over and over again.

"So who is she Jack, and I'm assuming she's still here?" Bobby asks with a smirk.

"None of your business and I think you need to go lay down. I know that was a long flight."

"Jack, honey is everything ok?" Jackie's voice fills the room.

Bobby's eyes got so big that they look like they could pop out of their sockets.

"Jack, honey I was worried about you," Jackie says putting her arms around Jack's waist.

"Robert Kennedy, meet..."

"Jacqueline Bouvier, the Queen of Le Martinique," Bobby says shocked cutting Jack off.

"Uh Your Highness, this is my nosy brother Bobby."

"Hello Bobby, please call me Jackie," Jackie says extending her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Jackie," Bobby replies shaking her hand.

"Jackie, why don't you go back to the bedroom I'll be right there," Jack says placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Alright, just wanted to make sure you were ok. Nice meeting you Bobby."

"Nice meeting you too Jackie."

Once Jackie went back into Jack's bedroom, Bobby looked at his brother.

"Jack, why is the Queen of Le Martinique coming out of your bedroom in your robe?"

"She just stopped by for a visit and she fell asleep."

Jack runs his hand through his hair and can't make eye contact.

"You're lying, Jack! If I know you big brother, you are probably sticking your pastry in her french cream."

"Yes. Before you go off into a lecture..."

"I'm not going to give you a lecture because it's your business," Bobby says putting his hand up in protest.

"I know Bobby, but you don't even know what's going on between us. Always the Altar Boy."

"You don't have to explain it to me," Bobby replies walking towards the guest bedroom door.

"I won't. I'm going back to bed. I will see you in a few hours."

"Fine, see you in a few hours."

Just as Jack is about to go back into his bedroom, he hears Bobby whistle at him. Stepping back to see what his brother want. Bobby gives him two thumbs up. He smiles at his brother before closing the door. He enters his bedroom where he plans to ravish the beautiful Queen again before she leaves.

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