Chap 1: What's wrong with you?

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But I couldn't tell persons that when they ask me what's wrong with me. I hated feeling like this. I wanted to live and be happy but shit just kept on getting worst in my life.

"Thanks for coming to see me today Tye." Dr Stone looked up from her notes to give me a small smile.

Well damn ma, I was paying for this shit you must be glad to see me.

"How are the pills working? Do you feel any better?"

"Well I haven't thought about killing myself in a minute."

"That's good, very good. Nice to see we are progressing." She gave me her million dollar smile.

"Yeah well I don't see what's the point though, if I wanna kill myself why don't you just let me? But if I did and others did then less people would come to see you and you wouldn't be making any money so I see what you're doing."

"You do make a valid point but I came into this profession because I wanted to help people. I overcame depression and decided to help others to do the same."

"Yeah whatever."

"It's the truth. I wanna have a more personal relationship with you Tye. Nothing sexual. Let me be your friend and if we meet outside of this office it will be of no cost to you." She said offering me her hand.

I'm assuming that if I take her hand then I'm taking up her offer. She was a dime piece and I regular thought of sticking my plassdick all the way in her guts but I could use a friend right now since I don't have anyone.

I looked up from her hand to her eyes and extended my hand to meet hers. She seemed genuinely happy that I decided to accept her offer.

"Okay. I'm going to write you another prescription for more of those mood stabilizers and some anxiety pills. Remember that those are only supposed to be taken when needed okay darling?"

"Yes ma'am" I took the paper from her and leaned back into the chair.

"Is there anything on your mind that you'd like to talk about?" She asked while crossing her legs.

"I'm not sure. All I've been thinking about recently was the time I attempted suicide at work while laughing and no one took me serious." I sighed and sat up.

"My chest was hurting so I decided to take a few painkillers and when I started I couldn't stop. I just kept popping them one after the other and people watched. This girl that I assumed cared took the pills away from me and gave me some water. I was there laughing telling her to chill saying that I'd never kill myself but in the back of my mind all I wanted to do was die. I put my head on my desk and I woke up in the hospital that same evening." I chuckled while wiping a tear from my face.

"This is a trigger for you?" She asked with the most genuine concern but this isn't the first time she has heard this story yet still she had managed to keep an open mind and composure.

"Yeah. I guess." I shrugged my shoulder.

"It's not like anyone would care if I died." I said in the most nonchalant way possible.

"What about that girl you were dating?"

"Mellisa? Damn, ma ain't want nothing to do with me. I asked her to slap my ass and she said she didn't want no bitch ass as her stud girlfriend."

I heard her chuckle a bit and I'm glad she found it funny.

"Well I'm sorry to hear about that. Maybe you should try dating someone who doesn't put a heteronormative stigma on the relationship. This is a lesbian relationship after all and I believe at the end of the day you both are still women."

"That's what I thought too but I didn't think shawty would get that wiled up about it."

"I've thought about maybe dating a stud but that kind of seems taboo, know what I mean." I added.

"No, I don't know what you mean. As I said earlier, it's a lesbian relationship and none of you are required to be the male figure because neither of you are men."

"I heard you the first time Stone. Geez, all up in my shit like you know everything. You's damn straight, what you know about gay relationships? You don't got all that pressure on you and shit." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Tye, excuse me. I was just giving my whole hearted opinion on the matter. You shouldn't be afraid to do things that would please you as a person and if that thing is dating a stud as a stud then go ride some plastic dick into the rainbow."

"Woah, excuse you? Where all that nasty gay shit come from? Back the fuck up sis."

She laughed and I couldn't help but laugh too. This was more than just a therapy session for me and that's why I'm still alive, that's why I kept on coming back, I guess.

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