Chap 9: Night Nurse.

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"Yo ma, I was just wondering if you could make something happen for me?" I said to Mona over the phone.
"Anything for you pops." She replied.
"So remember I was telling you about what happened to my girl and then we saw that shit on the news? They haven't identified the shooter as yet, think you can get me that info?"
"I can baby girl."
"Can you set up a meeting with Banks?"
"Oh? It's like that?"
"Está bien papi lo hará"

I sat in the restaurant waiting for the text from Mona. I finished my meal and paid for the food when the text finally came in. I got up and walked out to my Jeep heading to the secure location. I pulled up at the warehouse 30 minutes later and saw that Banks was already here. I walked into the abandoned warehouse hearing a gun cock. I held my hands up indicating that I wasn't armed.

"Were you followed?" The voice I identified as one of Banks's goons asked.
"Nah man, chill." I said lowering my hands and walked further into the warehouse.

I opened a door and went to the back and followed some steps that lead to a basement. I could hear talking and laughing coming from the basement. I got to the door, gave my name and was allowed access.

"MIJA!" Banks shouted out from his office door.
"Papa, ¿cómo estás?"
"Lo estoy haciendo bien mija"
"That's good to know."
"¿Y tu?
"Why are you here?" Banks asked after hugging me.
"I want someone's head."
"Ahh MIJA IS STILL ALIVE EVERYBODY! We thought you outgrew us."
"Papa, you know I want to stay away from all of this. I'm trying to get help."
"I know babygirl and I'm sorry, it's just that we miss you. Even Mona misses you as her partner. How is my daughter? You guys are still bestfriends si?"

I nodded my head as a response.

"Now come mija, tell me who's the unlucky bastard."

"Yo babe, you hearing this shit?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Cam sitting up in the couch turning the tv up.

Reporter: Mr Luther Vandrose was found dead in his apartment by neighbors complaining of a foul scent. Mr Vandrose was said to be a prime suspect in a shooting that took place on Wikins street around a week or so ago at a law firm where two females were found with multiple gunshot wounds by their boss. The victims who were still recovering were asked to identify the shooter but Mr Vandrose was absent on all days. It seems that this was a suicide.. here's the detective let's see if we can get his opinion about the scene of the crime"

"Turn that shit off babe, you don't need that kind of negativity right now." I said grabbing the remote. I switched the channel and lowered the volume.

"Damn, I can't believe he killed himself, can't believe he got away so easily after what he did."

"You don't know the full story as yet baby, come on give me a kiss." She leaned over to kiss me but her eyes were lost in thought, her brows were knitted together.

She couldn't know, she mustn't know that I had something to do with that man's death. It wasn't a suicide, we kept him locked up for a few days in chains. Nothing too tight because we didn't want to leave any marks on his wrists. We starved him and tortured him day in and out. He was weak and helpless by the time we were finished with him. He was begging for us to kill him. I made sure to let him know why he was getting this kind of treatment, let him know that he pulled a gun on the wrong black girl and there was no getting out of this alive. We left him rocking on a chair with a noose around his neck. His hands were free, he had the choice to live but we made it very clear that if he chose to live then he'd endure worst than what had already happened so I'm guessing he did take the easy way out.

Cam was almost fully healed. Her gunshot wounds were almost closed up but she still wasn't able to walk without a crutch. I got up to warm up the rest of the soup I had made for her. I took the warmed soup and her medication to her and rested the tray on her lap.

"Here you go baby."
"Thanks babygirl." She said and blew a kiss at me.
"You take care of me like we've been together for months," she said while blushing.
"It's only the beginning love." I said winking at her.

It's been a month and some days since the news broadcast and Cam seemed to have forgotten about it. She was due back at work and so was I. I had Ryan take care of Milly's computer while I was out and had it delivered here so she could come pick it up and check on her sister. Rebecca recovered great, she got shot in her leg and shoulder. She was walking with a crutch to support her, she told us about the physiotherapy sessions and how cute her doctor is.

I was at work when i decided to call Cam.

"Hey babygirl." I said as soon as the call was answered.
"Hey ma, wassup?"
"I'm good, you?"
"My boss ain't a hard ass no more, he even raised me and Re's pay. Even after they paid the hospital expenses and everything." She sounded happy.
"That's dope, glad to hear. I was wondering if you'd let me take you out for dinner? As a date?" I said nervously.
"Ooooooooh you tryna finesse me now? She laughed.
"Damn straight, your my girl."
"Alright, I'm down."
"Thursday night at 7?"
"Why not Friday?"
"I want you to meet someone very close to me on Friday."
"Okay babe. Can't wait."

We said our goodbyes and disconnected the call. Was I really about to let her meet Mona? This was Mona's idea after all. She has been bugging me about letting her meet Cam. My mom has been locked up since I was 17 and Mona and her family basically took me in. She was initially introduced by Mr Lockhart as a decorator but I think he knew that there was more to the little Spanish beauty. Her dad has someone looking out for my mom in prison that's why she thinks she runs shit. He thinks I'm his daughter and I'm okay with that. They taught me Spanish to better communicate with them, he taught me how to shoot, how to fight, and basically how to survive. I owed a lot to that family. So I think the least I can do is letting my best friend meet my girl since I can't take her into that world.

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