Chap 4: The date.

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It was Friday and I was scared as shit. Everyone was saying that I shouldn't be scared, that everyone entails my mom and Dr Stone. I haven't talked to Ryan about it as yet. We wanted to watch an early movie so we could get ice cream afterwards. Cute, right? It was slowly ticking down to the hour of four and I needed to start getting ready. I didn't know what I was wearing either. I started to sweat and my hands were getting sticky, I didn't want to pass out now so I ran to get my anxiety pills and some cold water to cool my nerves down.

I hopped into the shower to wash my hair and get ready. I had a full head of nappy hair and I decided to straighten it out for the date, which meant that would take a whole ass while. I quickly washed up and brushed my teeth then hopped out of the shower. I pulled on some boxers and my sports bra and got to blow drying my nappy ass head.

My arms were hurting as fuck but I got it as straight as possible with the blow dryer.. it was expensive as fuck so I didn't expect any less. My flat iron, which was also expensive as shit, was already plugged in and heated up. I played some KPOP. The upbeat jams had me flat ironing at lightning speed fam.

25 minutes later, 2 passes on each section, and a middle part, my hair was done and looking sleek. I walked up to my standing mirror and kissed myself because I was looking fine.

I stepped into my closet and decided that I'd wear black and white tonight. I pulled out my black shorts and a black and white button down. Tuck it in or no? I decided to not tuck it in and pull out my black loafers from off the shelf. This place was looking fire because of Mona, the decorator. I still see her sometimes, she's a whole ass freak.

I lotioned up my body and drew my shorts on and buttoned up my shirt. I decided on wearing my silver chain and matching Rolex watch which was a gift from Mona.

My ears were stretched and I had in black tunnels. I was deliberating to change them when I looked at the time and seen that it was 4:30. The movie theater was far from where I lived.


I heard whining and looked down to see Molly. She turned and walked away probably suggesting that I follow her. When I got to her destination I saw that her bowls were empty.

"Goddammit Molly I been here the whole ass day and you just saying something? Damn"

I ran to the cupboards for her food and filled her bowl up. Refilled her water bowl and left almond milk for her to drink. I was surprised the first time she drank it out of my cup, I was upset but still surprised so from that she gets her own little bowl of almond milk.

I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet. Locked the doors and jumped into my Jeep. I plugged up my phone to the AUX cord and left it on shuffle.

Blessed by Daniel Caesar started playing so I sang along and weaved through traffic. I might've broke a few laws but it's whatever. I picked up my phone to dial up Cam to see where she was at.

"Hey, I'm on my way. How about you?" I said into the receiver.

"I'm almost there. You know what you wanna watch?"

"I guess I'll decide when I get there."

"Cool , cool. In a few then."


I hung up the phone and stepped on the gas. It was almost five and I wanted to be there on time.

I got to the movie theatre a little after five and saw Cam outside waiting.

"Hey ma." She said while I walked up to her.

"Hey Cam. Good to see you, you look nice."

"You looking like a fine dinner yourself ma." I was blushing as hell. Good thing I was black because I'd be looking like a young ripe tomato right now.

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