Chap 8: Hospital Blues.

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It's now Thursday and I haven't heard from Cam since Monday. I was real stressed out and worried. Something didn't feel right.

I took up my phone to call Milly to confirm for tomorrow with intentions of asking about Cam.

"Yo Milly, what's good? Just calling about tomorrow to say it's a definite yes." I said once the call was answered.

"Ahh, tomorrow is put off man. Cam is in the hospital." She sniffled.


"What? When? Where? Tell me what hospital she at and Ima pull up."

"She's at St Jude's in the ICU."

I disconnected the call and started drawing on some clothes. Bet my ass was green as shit because I didn't shower after coming in from work. I left early because I wasn't feeling so good. I sprayed on some deodorant for good measures, took up my phone, keys and, wallet and locked up the house. I ran to my Jeep and pulled out the driveway almost hitting the fire hydrant. That was a stupid decision to place it there anyways.

"Stupid fucking fire hydrant." I cussed.

I sped down the road and made my way into the town. The hospital wasn't far from the capital, I just hoped I didn't get stopped by any cops.

I broke a few stop signs and swerved through traffic. I made it there in record time. I was anxious. I walked in and saw Milly and a girl sitting in the common room. I walked in and dapped her up. She introduced the girl as her girlfriend and told me that their parents would be here any minute.

"Today's the first day that she has opened her eyes since they took her in on Monday. Apparently some white guy shot up the place, shot her three times and the receptionist twice. It wasn't a hate crime because the receptionist was white. Her boss came back after extending his lunch with his wife and saw the massacre. He didn't see anyone though." Milly said in between tears. Where did she get all of this information?

"The boss told us," her girlfriend answered seeing the confusion on my face.

"Can I go in?" She nodded saying that she just came out because she couldn't bare to see the sight of her sister like that.

I walked in nervous as shit. I saw her hooked up to the machines and my eyes started to water. My nose felt funny and there was a ball at the back of my throat. The room was eerily white and the beeping sound of the heart machine was giving me mini anxiety attacks. I walked over to the bed and seen that her eyes were closed. I held her hand and bent down to hug her. I heard her wince in pain and I shot up to look at her.

"I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you," I said with tears in my eyes. She pointed to the table beside her indicating that she wanted some water. I poured her a glass and got a straw so she wouldn't have to ease up to drink. She silently drank the water as I fiddled with my fingers. Once she was finished I took the cup and placed it back on the side table.

"You didn't hurt me. That bastard did," tears started to fall from her eyes and my heart started to break.

"I'll kill him for you." I said with so much vengeance in my heart.

"Nah ma, you don't mean that. You're so sweet and I don't want you to change that just because of me." She said trying to squeeze my hand. I nodded in response not agreeing because that man was going to die.

"How are you?" I asked her kissing the tears away.

"Well I've been better, believe me." She laughed.

"Wanna tell me what happened after I dropped you off?"

"Well, I don't really remember but I do remember whooping his ass and getting shot."

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