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"Charlie. Charlie!" Dean exclaimed, trying to catch the redhead's attention.

"Huh?" She turned back towards tbe brothers.

"What are you looking at?" Sam questioned.

Dean turned to look in the direction Charlie was looking in.

"Ohhhhhh. I get it." Dean smirked.

"What?" Sam asked as a blush rose on Charlie's face.

"She's checking out the hot bartender." Dean smirked.

Sam glanced over his shoulder at you. You were busting some tables, not too far away from the group.

"She's pretty. Go talk to her." Sam told her.

"What? No." Charlie shook her head.

You walked back through the back to put away your bucket of dishes before beginning to grab peoples orders. Dean took the last drink of his beer.

"Come on. And get us another round while your at it." Dean smirked.

Charlie took a deep breath before standing up and walking up to the bar.

"Hey, Cutie. What can I get you?" You smiled at her.

She blushed at the nickname.

"T-Three beers." She stuttered.

You winked at her before opening the cooler to grab three beers. Unfortunately you only had two inside of the cooler. You handed them to the redhead and told her you would be back with the third.

After grabbing the beer, you quickly wrote your number down on a piece of paper, hoping this girl liked girls. You brought the beer to Charlie and slid the paper her way before winking and walking off. Charlie quickly opened the paper.

Call me ;)

A blush rose once again on Charlie's cheeks. She looked up at you and smiled before walking back over to the boys.

"Whats that?" Dean smirked, looking at the small paper.

"Her number. I didn't even ask for it." Charlie smiled.

"Oooh. Great job." Dean smirked.

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