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"Okay, simple Witch hunt. Sam, you take the back, Y/N the side doors, I'll take the front." Dean ordered.

I did as I was told, gripping my gun tight as I walked towards the side door. I slipped inside after opening the door just enough. I was the one to find the Witch in the basement. I was sneaking up on her as she brewed something.

I took my shot as she threw some sort of Glitter at me. I coughed the glitter from my mouth as she fell limp to the ground. Dean and Sam busted in the room, spotting the Witch and looking around again.

"Where'd she go?" Sam asked, worry clear in his voice.

"I don't know. Y/N?" Dean shouted.

"Guys I'm right here." I said.

But they didn't even so much as look at me as they searched the house and outside.

"Dudes. This isn't funny." I told them.

Then it clicked. The glitter. I was invisible and they can't hear me. I groaned and managed to slip into the impala before Dean shut his door. Dean drove back to the bunker, and I hoped this would wear off in a few days.

"Hey guys!" Kevin beamed at the two men.

"Where's Y/N?" He questioned them about his long time crush.

"Um, we don't know." Dean spoke.

Kevin's face fell.

"What?" He asked.

"Either the Witch sent her somewhere or she's just gone." Sam sighed.

And day's passed. The boys did research while you sat there, watching.

"Kevin, you need sleep." Dean told him as he faught to keep his eyes open.

Kevin hadn't slept in 2 days and bags were already under his eyes.

"No, not until shes okay." Kevin shook his head.

"What do you think she's gonna say when she comes back to you like this?" Sam asked.

"Guys..." Kevin trailed off. "I love her. I-I can't lose her." He muttered sadly.

"Fucking Witch." You muttered in annoyance.

In a second all three boys were up and Sam and Dean were pointing their guns around. My eyes widened in suprise as I stood up. Can they hear me?

"Who said that?" Dean shouted.

"What the hell guys!" I yelled.

Both guns were suddenly pointed in my direction.

"Whoa! Dudes, its me!" I shouted.

"Y/N?" Kevin questioned.

"Well duh." I scoffed.

"Why can't we see you?" Sam asked.

"The stupid Witch threw glitter at me." I huffed.

Dean tried not to laugh.

"Not funny! I've been invisible and apparently, deaf to you guys for the past week." I groaned.

"So you've been here for the entire week?" Sam asked.

"Duh!" I shouted in annoyance.

Dean and Sam left for research. I huffed and sat back down in my chair.

"You still here?" Kevin asked in confusion.

"Yep." I lightly kicked him.

"So, um, you heard me." He said embarassed.

"Yep." I popped the P.

"So I guess you don't feel the same." He sighed in sadness.

I smiled and stood up, kissing his cheek before running off into the library to find Sam and Dean.

"THINK AGAIN TRAN!" I shouted at him.

We sat for hours as the boys worked on finding a cure. But we came up with nothing.

"I'm starving." I muttered before heading to the kitchen.

Walking back in with a bag of chips, Dean looked up and his eyes widened in suprise.

"What?" Sam questioned him.

He pointed to me. Sam looked over and saw me as well.

"What?" I asked.

"We can see you!" Sam gasped.

Kevin turned around at that and looked at me.

"You can?" I asked in excitement.

"Yes!" Dean shouted.

I shouted in joy, in the prosess, dumping my chips.

"Not it!" I shouted.

Kevin and Sam followed. Dean groaned and went to go get a broom.

Sam decided to head to his room, leaving me and Kevin. I sat down and Dean cleaned them up before going to make burgers for dinner.

"So about earlier..." I trailed off.

He blushed and looked down. I giggled.

"I love you too." I admitted.

He looked up in surprise and smiled at me.

"You do?" He asked.

I nodded. Without thinking, he leaned forward and captured my lips with his. It was a slow and gentle kiss. I loved it.

"Well, one hell of a way to get your attention." I giggled.

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