Guardian Angel/Sam

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You were the Guardian Angel of Sam Winchester. You really haven't done a great job because Crowley kidnapped and tortured you for years.

But you broke out, and you vowed to watch over Sam until the day you die.

Thats why you were about to interfere when Sam, Dean, and Castiel were all kidnapped by demons. You busted in the door, making it fall of its hinges. The silver angel blade twisted in your fingers.

"Step away from the Winchesters." You ordered.

"An angel. Ha!" The demon laughed.

"Try me." You growled.

He ran for you, thinking he caught you off guard and he was gonna get you. You dodged him and stabbed him straight in the back.

"Easy as pie." You smirked.

With a flick of your hand, the holy oil surrounding Castiel disappeared. You broke the chains tying the boys to the chairs.

"Are you alright?" You asked Sam.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." He said, untying his feet.

"Y/N. You've been gone for 3 years, where have you been?" Castiel asked.

"Crowley decided I would get in his way for his plans with Sam. So he kidnapped me and has been torturing me for years." You told him.

"My apologies sister." He then hugged you.

You smiled and hugged him back.

"Um, whos this?" Dean asked.

"My sister, Y/N, and Sam's Guardian Angel." Castiel admitted.

"My what?" Sam asked.

"Your guardian angel. I have kept you from a lot of magor harm." You told him.

"Sure, great job these past few years." Dean said sarcastically.

"I was kidnapped by Demons. Trust me, I'll blame myself for the rest of my life for leaving him. I had a job, a job from God to protect your brother, I faught my way out of hell and the first thing I did was find your brother. So do not blame me for the things that has happened in the past three years, because things can get ugly with a snap of my fingers." You growled.

"Alright. Calm down." Castiel backed you up.

*four months later*

You pop in occasionally to see the Winchesters. Dean had learned to accept you and Sam seems to like you. Today, you got bored up in heaven and decided to pay a visit to your human.

"Boo." You gripped Sam's shoulders.

He jumped out of his seat and landed on the floor.

"Don't do that Y/N." He panted, hand over heart.

"Sorry, it was funny." You giggled.

You sat down next to him as he stood and sat back in his seat.

"What're you doing?" You asked.

"Research. Dean and Cas went on a small case together." He told you.

"Can I help?" You asked, tilting your head.

Sam loved it when you did that. You had no idea that the younger yet taller Winchester had feelings for you. And he planned to keep it that way.

"Sure." He explained the the case to you, not sparing a detail.

"From what you taught me it sounds like a werewolf-vampire hybrid." You admitted.

"Huh. I guess your right. Victums sucked dry and hearts missing." He nodded.

He called Dean and told him the news. Dean agreed on what it was and Sam left the rest to Dean and Cas.

"So what'd you wanna do?" You asked.

"Watch a movie?" Sam offered.

You shrugged.

Sam set everything up and popped in one of his favorites, sitting down next to you in the couch. There was only a half a foot of space between you. You felt a tingling feeling in your stomach, you grew confused but decided to ignore it.

But you soon felt eyes in you. You turned your head and saw Sam staring at you. His eyes seemed to light up in a way you've never seen, and you've known Sam his entire life.

He began to lean down towards you. You didn't realize what he was doing until he was centimeters away.

"I've never done this before." You admitted, nervously.

"Just follow my lead, okay?" He offered.

"Okay." You smiled slightly.

He leaned forward and kissed you. Your lips moved in perfect sync. It was perfect.

"Wow." He was breathless.

"That was...different. The good kind." You smiled.

"Yeah, yeah it was." He smiled and leaned down to kiss you again

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