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"I'll be fine Sammy. Just gonna gank the thing and I'll be out within the hour. If not, I'm dead." Deans aid bluntly.

"Dean I really don't think-"

"I'll be fine. See you soon." Dean hung up the phone.

This was a simple Dijinn hunt. Although Dean was slightly scared to go because of what happened last time. But it was safer this way. Y/N and Sammy wouldn't be hurt.

When he arrived at the adandoned wearhouse, he gripped his knife tightly and walked inside. It was dark and quiet. He didn't notice the figure creeping up behind him until a hand, a bright blue hand, wrapped around his mouth. He passed out within seconds.

Dean shot up from the soft bed. The room was his in the bunker. How did he get here? He slowly got up and stepped out of the room, hearing music coming from the kitchen. He walked in to see you, dancing around the room, in tight shorts and one of Dean's flannels.

"Hi!" You beamed, setting down the spatchula and running over to Dean.

You placed a quick kiss to his lips before turning back to breakfast. Dean stood there dumbfounded. How long was he out?

"Uh, hi." Dean said finally.

He sat down at the table and ran a hand through his hair. You ran over and set a plate in front of him.

"Thank you." He smiled, looking up at you.

"Don't thank me for keeping you alive." You smiled and turned to make your plate.

Dean grabbed you by the waist and spun you around. You landed on his lap with a squeal and giggle. He smiled and kissed you deeply.

He had been wanting to do this for a long time, since the boys met you really. Maybe this was his greatest wish. You reluctantly pulled away.

"I love you." You told him with a smile.

"I love you more." Dean said truthfully.

You stood up to make your plate. Then Dean spotted the ring on your finger, a simple gold band on your wedding finger. There was one on his too! Dean put two and two together and figured out you were married.

"Where's Sammy?" Dean asked.

"His room, sleeping like a freaking baby." You laughed.

Dean laughed as well.

He went along with this for hours. The day was perfect. The three of you went out for dinner and basically hung out the whole day. Dean got to hug and kiss you whenever he wanted. It was his dream life.

That night, Dean realized he couldn't stay here. He laid in bed, you curled up in his arms. He loved you, but he wanted the real you. This love was forced, he had no idea if you ever even truly loved him.

So he got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, slowly taking a knife out of the holder. He stared at it, wondering if it was worth it. But then he thought about Sam, all alone without him. So he turned it around on himself.


Dean spun around to face Sam.

"Whoa! Dude! Put the knife down!" Sam shouted in alarm, suddenly wide awake from his half awake state.

"Sam? Dean?" You came bounding in with your gun.

You saw it was just the boys and sighed in relief, setting down the gun.

"Honey? What are you doing?" You looked at the knife in Dean's hold.

"This isn't real. None of it is. We aren't married. This-this isn't real." Dean's voice cracked.

Sam let out a sigh, a sigh of dissapointment.

"You could stay! You're happy! I mean, were married for Christ sake! You go on simple hunts and you live here with me and Sam! Stay Dean, stay." You begged.

"I can't. I need to get back to the real Y/N and the real Sam." Dean told them.

"Dude, come on." Sam tried.

"I'm sorry." Then he stabbed himself in the heart.

"DEAN!" You cried out. "DEAN! DEAN! DEAN!"

"DEAN! WAKE UP!" You slapped him.

His eyes fluttered open and he saw the most beautiful creature in the world, you.

"Come on you arrogant dickhead." You giggled, untying his hands.

He fell into your arms. You supported his weight and carried hin outside, setting him in the backseat of the impala.

"Stay here. I'll be back." You ordered.

Dean wanted to call out to you, but couldn't find it in himself to do it. You ran back inside and came back a few minutes later with Sam, both of you covered in blood.

You got into the backseat with Dean and Sam hopped into the drivers seat. Dean leaned his head on your lap and you played with his hair. He stared at your beautiful smiling face.

"I love you." He told you.

You smiled.

"I love you too Dean."

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