Super Mad/Castiel

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"Sam, Dean, I need help." The male in the tan trench coat approached the brothers.

"What's happening, Cas?" Dean shut his book and Sam followed his lead.

Cas took a Seat next to Sam, across from Dean.

"Well, whenever I'm around Y/N my chest gets this tight feeling. And my face gets hot and red. But my stomach also does this twisty feeling. I was wondering why I was mad at her all the time?" Cas looked up in wonder at the two males.

Sam and Dean shared a knowing look.

"You think all that means your mad at her?" Sam asked.


"Do you feel that way when your mad at us?" Dean asked.

"Well, no."

"What about anyone else? Do you feel that way when your mad at anyone else?" Sam asked.


"So what your feeling towards Y/N isn't anger, it must be-"

"Super Anger." A lightbulb went off in Cas's mind.

"What? No. Your in love with her." Dean started.

"Are-Are you sure? I-I don't know what love is." Cas stuttered.

"What do you think whenever Y/N smiles?" Sam asked.

"That she looks like an actual Angel, the ones from the fictional stories, not the real angels." A smile filled with admiration filled his features, as he imagined your bright humor-filled smile.

"See? You love her?" Dean leaned back in his seat and took a swig of his beer.

"How-How do I tell her?" Cas asked, worry in his tone.

"Just walk right up and say it." Sam recommend.

"Do you think she'll love me back?" Cas asked.

"Positive. Now go." Dean ordered.

Cas let out a shaky breath and began to walk towards your room. He had no clue why he was so nervous, it was just you. But he was and it was bad. When he reached your room, he lifted a shaky hand and knocked. He heard no response so he knocked again, no response.

He quietly opened the door and glanced around the room. Then he spotted you laying across your couch, your favorite book in hand.

"Y/N?" Cas spoke with a tilt of his head.

"Yeah, Hey Cas." You flashed him a quick smile before returning to your book.

"Y/N, I need to tell you something." Cas said, sitting on the coffee table in front of you.

You only hummed in response. He took that as his cue.

"I love you." He finally spoke after a couple moments of silence.

"Yeah, I love you too." You mumbled, not really paying attention.

But after a few moments it sunk in of what he said.

"Wait, What?" You looked up at him.

"I-I love you." He stuttered, losing his confidence.

A grin spread across your face.

"Took you long enough to tell me."

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