Leaving PART 1/TFW 2.0 (Jack)

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It was around midnight, only a couple hours after all the boys left for a hunt. I didn't feel well so I stayed behind to take care of the bunker. I was doing some cleaning in the library when the lights flickered. Instantly, my movements stopped until the lights stayed on. Slowly, I grabbed my gun from the waistband of my pants and inched my way around the bunker.

"Hello." I spun around and took my shot almost instantly.

The male glanced down at the new hole in his shirt, right where my bullet landed.

"That's not worth fixing." He mumbled before looking at me.

"Demon." I stated.

"Human." He said sarcastically.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Hanzel. Yes like the stupid kiddy tale." He rolled his eyes. "I swear they named that douche after me."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh darling, don't you know, you have a quest." He smirked.

"A quest?" I questioned.

"A quest." He confirmed.

"A quest to do what?" I asked.

"There's a very powerful demon out there, he's messing up crossroad deals, taking people before they're suppose to be gone. And none of us can track him down, so we need you to do it." He smirked.

"Why not the Winchester's?"

"Because, they won't be so willing to help." He said smugly.

"Who said I would?" I raised an eyebrow, finally putting my gun away as it would have no effect on him.

"With those boy's lives on the line, I think you will." He stepped closer.

"You leave them alone." I growled.

"Yes well, here's my deal, you go and kill this demon and we won't hurt your precious boys. Refuse, and they pay the price." He smirked.

"Deal." I nodded without thought.

"Oh sweetheart, you know how deals are confirmed." He said smugly, holding his hands behind his back.

He was actually enjoying this. God damnit, I hate demons. It took me two strides to make it to him. The kiss was short and it felt cold and heartless. When I pulled away, I spit against the ground in disgust.

"Great, now you leave in an hour. There will be a car packed with supplies waiting for you. Oh, and if you tell the boys then we'll be forced to hurt them and you." He smirked and snapped his fingers, disappearing at an instant.

A small huff left my lips as I leaned against the map table.

Then realization set in.

In order to leave without telling the boys what I'm doing involves lying. I hate lying to them. I glanced at my wristwatch, 12:23. Okay an hour, I can work with that.

I wondered down the hall to my bedroom where I packed all my clothes and belongings. It was hard, seeing everything packed up and my room so bare. I never had many decorations but it felt like home with my clothes scattered on the floor along with books, shoes, and weapons.

Then came the hard part. If I left without any trace they would assume I got kidnapped. So I settled for an old fashioned letter.


Please don't freak out, I haven't been kidnapped or killed. I'm leaving, willingly. (Lies) I can't take the stress of hunting with you any longer. I understand it isn't your fault that you have to save the world all the time but the weight on my shoulders is killing me. I just can't do it anymore.

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