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"So this guy only attacks at fancy events?" Sam questioned.

"Basically." I answered. "And there is a banquet tonight. So have fun." I smiled.

"You aren't going?" Dean asked.

"Oh honey, I don't do dresses." I told the male before turning back to my computer.

"Y/N, we need you. Come on." Sam groaned.

"No. I hate dresses. No, I loathe them." I told the boys.

"I'll pay you $100." Sam offered.

I considered it for a moment.

"Fine." I groaned.

The boys basically shoved money and the keys to the Impala in my hands before shoving me out of the room to buy a dress. I huffed and left for the store.

I returned not even an hour later. Sam was in the shower and Dean was watching TV.

"I hate shopping." I groaned, flopping down next to Dean.

"I know you do." He chuckled.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, exhausted from my 2 hours of sleep.

"Tired?" He asked.

"You get your four hours, I get my two." I told him.

"Go to sleep. This banquet isn't for another couple hours." He told me.

"Thanks, Dean-O." I smiled.

"I hate that name." He grinned.

"No you don't." I stated.

He chuckled again. I dozed off not too long after. The last thing I remember is Dean shooshing Sam.

"Y/N/N. Time to get up." I was lightly shook.

"No." I groaned, barring my face in Dean's chest.

"Yes, come on. You have to get ready." Dean chuckled.

I groaned and rolled over.

"Fine." I huffed.

"Bathroom's all your's." Sam told me.

I got up and walked to the bathroom, dress and heels in hand. I dressed quickly.

I sighed and did my hair quickly

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I sighed and did my hair quickly.

I sighed and did my hair quickly

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