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"No. No! Leave him alone!" You suddenly shot up from the position on your bed.

These nightmares were getting ridiculous. This one was a killer demon clown killing Sammy, your best friend. But yet, these were your biggest fears. Losing the Winchester brothers or Castiel, you wouldn't be able to handle it.

So you got up and padded down the hall to Sammy's room. Sam was the only one who knew of your nightmares and often helped you calm down. You quietly opened the door and stopped inside.

Sam sat upright at the noise of the door creaking and looked at you. He squinted through the darkness before eventually turning on his bedside lamp.

"Hi..." You mumbled, slightly terrified of him being mad at you.

He saw your teary eyes and how a cold sweat had spread across your body. He opened his arms, knowing you had another terrible nightmare.

Like a baby, you crawled into his bed and snuggled up to him. He held you to his chest tightly.

"Which one of us was it this time?" He asked.


"What happened?" Sam asked.

"A demon clown kidnapped you and killed you, and made me watch." You told him.

He shivered at the explanation. You laughed a little bit. He pulled you closer.

"We all love you so much. You know we would never leave you. As long as you never leave us." Sam cooed.

You shook your head and barried your face deep into Sam's chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you tighter.

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